Napoleon Albino Baguisi

Napoleon Albino Baguisi

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If music stimulates the brain, then, music facilitates learning.

Learning disabilities in students can be a challenge but with time and support these students can manage to be succesfull.

I have learned that many students do not use English as their first language and in so doing are having a hard time expressing themselve because of their limited vocabulary. Therefore, increasing their English vocabulary is formost and paramount.

Putting students in groups is a mode of learning wherein everyone will have a voice and be able to discuss ideas based on personal experiences and knowledge and skills.

Formative assessments are important because you can see the progress of the students every step of the way.

Planning is essential in preparing for class. There should always be several plans in case situation changes.

Rule 10/20/30 is very applicable in the learning process because it helps the students focus more.

Preparation for class is very important because student may ask questions that you may not know. So preparing and mastering the subject matter for next day's class is very important.

The secret of managing students is to be emphatic to their needs, especillay, the social and psychological needs.

This Course helps the teacher to be able to keep the students engaged in the classroom.

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