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Be Consistent About Retention Intervention Discovery

It is important to be consistent in your approach at retention intervention. Here is a starting checklist. Please add more! 1. Get to know your students. Talk to them daily. 2. Aggressively respond to student's missing any classes. 3. Give them a call. 4. Provide tutoring and support 5. Look for changes in demeanor or personality. 6. Look for changes in grade pattern. 7. Make sure the truth and the student perception of that truth is you care.

Admissions/clarifying student expectations as a problem in developing student success systems

How do we deal with the very real fact that Admissions Representatives in schools are pressured to make their numbers at all costs...and will thus tell a student anything it's thought they want to hear; regarding if it impacts an accurate understanding by the new student of the realities they will face. The bottom line is all too often...just that. If a Rep is told to make numbers they won't tell a student something that might get in the way of making a sale...ethical or not.


How to get the students involve? Most of our students work and have families.How long a Seminar should last?

Perception of fairness as an essential...examples of intervention

I found at Computer Learning Center that whan a student believed the Student Advisor (myself) was willing to be fair...that it increased their willingness to come forth with a early enough time that they could be dealt with. They saw that sometimes, a position was taken "on the side of a teacher". Other times it was "on the side of the student". But they always saw it was after a careful evaluation of the facts. In one case, there had been an instructor who had particular issues with African-American males; and we saw a demonstrated tendency to grade these students far more severely than those students fitting into another demographic slot. I was aked by the director to observe the classes at random moments under the guise of other reasons...and dtermined using both personal observation along with (what we'd call using the system presented in this course) surveys and vertical probes. Eventually the instructor was removed from the class, repalced by another instructor, and overall grades in the course (which had been a flash point for drops) increased. Have any of the other professionals in this forum encountered a similar situation?

Keeping perceptions of future success not as easy...but as possible

I've always pushed the idea in 22 years of work in post-secondary schools...that whether a student advisor, or a job placement officer that students must be taught they success is real...and possible; even probable; but NEVER as easy. This is especially important because if if success is presented in this manner; the student knows the professional is merely mouthing words, and doesn't really feel the words s/he is saying. When a student doesn't feel you feel what you're saying...they feel that they have no realistic chance at success; and you actually INCREASE the chance of the student dropping. They asume you're doing something you're supposed to do; rather than doing what you know to be truie, and what you believe. How have some of the professionals here accomplished that task at their schoiols?

How do you feel those interested in creating a climate of student support deal with management that doesn't "get it"?

How do those interested in creating a climate of student support deal with school management that doesn't "get it"? All too often, management in schools (I've been in proprietary education since 1983) deal with the numbers for THIS class start...and not for the long-term. All too often they don't see that good student service is the right thing...and the effective thing...but is also good business. Specifically, how do we introduce these ideas into becoming a real part of a company's culture? A case in point...when I worked at Computer Learning Center, we made a point of amking clera that Student Services could go anywhere and talk to anyone...and had the backing of the Director to do so. Other schools I've worked in would never allow this, given the atmosphere within their schools. A Student Services staffperson would never be allowed to go to a class and question a teacher that was scaring off students through a lack of appropriate attitude. Similarly, they would not be allowed to go to Admission and question what a student was being promised. How do we make those in management understand that the bottom line that is such a concern for all managers...can be positively impacted by a Student Service staffer (and I do think that one person needs to be empowered to be in charge and direct a climate of student support) who is empowered to do the sorts of things I'm mentioning above? At CLC, we cut our drops by 50% (using real numbers of drops) by simply addressing student concerns and insuring that students has the real perception that their concerns were being addressed.

Student Support Service

Where I work, we do not have a real Support Service that can assist the Intructor in Retention of students.The Instructors work in conjunction with the DOE and the Administrative Director.In some cases it is not enough, especially with students whose problems can not be solve easily. What do you suggest?

What are your ideas about personal empowerment programs being a part of our schools?

I think by empowering students and motivating their success and rewarding their achievements, we can accomplish alot.


Caring is Not a Cliche.

As a former dean and current teacher I can tell you from personal experience that genuine caring (not lip service) will greatly improve overall student retention rates. The students know when they are hearing a line, or if instead you have established an "educational" personal relationship with them. While an individual can have wonderful individual retention rates,it is only from a transformation of corporate and/or institutional culture that will lead to significant success. A great indication of improved retention rates is a robust re-entry rate, where the students leaving due to unavoidable issues make their way back home to you after a time.

What if a student comes into your classroom and they show signs right from the start that they are going to be problem students how would you handle that

What if you have identified a student as a potential drop in time to save them but in the next course they are showing the same signs of dropping as before then do you try to save them again or is it a ploy to get attetion

what if a student is dedicated to comming to school but they drop anyway

How does stress affect the retention process? does the student or the instructor directly affect the process

Mentoring students.

Does mentoring our students is a good way to improve retention?

Identifying the student

AT first day I have the students tell me what their weakness is . We can all say what we are great at but everyone has trouble saying their weakness. This way, you can identify everything all at once.

Keeping Students

One thing that I have noticed that I do regularly is to ask students for their input on different places to visit. By doing this volunteering and such my students feel a part of the community. However, I feel that keeping students has a lot to do with keeping instructors as well and I find that those that care deeply are the most hurt.

how can you get everybody to work together properly

what are some ways to improve attendance on repeat offenders

What are some ways to inprove retention