Ethel Burnett

Ethel Burnett

Location: ohio

About me

Passionate and Enthusiastic


teaching, learning, and educating


Blog Comment

Absolutely while being active with them they feel secure and motivated. I love your view.


While teaching in the vocational setting I realized how important it was to provide students with security in the learning environment. I first reflected back on my own experience and remembered the great instructors that I had and how I felt in the learning process. I could remember the difference in my instructors and how some were negative while others were very motivating, uplifting, and encouraging. Many of our students that come in have either just graduated from High School or may have had a bad experience of being lost in the numbers at a University. Because this may be… >>>

Discussion Comment

Because you spend almost a year with your students in a career education setting, it is important to learn them on a slightly personal yet professional level. Understanding the outside influences as well as in class influences individually will allow for the creation of harmony for all including yourself, after all we are all humans.


I've learned to follow the curriculum of the Institution that I work for in helping prepare my Lesson Plans in advance. Now, even though each class has its own pace in which things will be completed I can see where I need to be over a course period of weeks instead of just days. I've created a fair grading system as well that allows for the students test to be returned within a day or two instead of a week.


When looking at my audience I look at my group diversly, so that I can meet the needs of all who are there. Usually I'll have a group betweeb 18-35 with a total of 9 and the 10th individual being my 50 year old. Because the age bracket is different I speak to them all at the same time on the same level as not to make my elder student fill left out. Looking at my audience being from different geopgraphic backgrounds also helps for me to better explain certain topics. 

When looking at my audience I look at my group diversly, so that I can meet the needs of all who are there. Usually I'll have a group betweeb 18-35 with a total of 9 and the 10th individual being my 50 year old. Because the age bracket is different I speak to them all at the same time on the same level as not to make my elder student fill left out. Looking at my audience being from different geopgraphic backgrounds also helps for me to better explain certain topics. 

I loved ED108 it was one of the most exciting courses that added so much confirmation to my work as an instructor. My students have confirmed that I exude the qualities that are explained in that lesson. The facilitator is extraordinary!!!!

I really appreciate the ED106 material, it allowed me to have confirmation that I was doing things right. Putting students into groups, how to deal with students that have lerning disabilities. There was so much more that it offered that I think that any elite instructor would have interest in, whether to educate, ehance, or confirm what they are doing.

I enjoy being able to make answering a question fun in my class. I call this technique phone a friend, pass the ball, or a life line. It seems to make the students more involved. For example, I may ask Sarah a question and she may know a portion of the answer and not the full complete answer. At that point I say, " Would you like to phone a friend?" , "pass the ball?" or get a life line?". This technique has been the most promising for my students and I to have harmony as a unit.I enjoyed this… >>>

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