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Students are the most important constituents, so its important to treat them as such


As educators, we play a vital role in developing students become professionals and self confidence. Students retain the information based on how we respnded to a situation, acted during uncomfortable discussion and just how we treat our colleagues. When they encounter similar situations, they will ask themselves: how did Professor ABC handled the situation. It is not what we say to them it is what tey see that they reetain the information.

EQ being just as important as IQ or even more so.  I wish there was a more expansive section on real examples to mentor EQ with students.


I have learned that the enviornement in which you create for your student makes a big difference. Students have to feel confortable not only where they are learning, but how they are being taught, and by who is giving them the information. Each student is different so we must cater to each individaul by offering different learning techniques that will help the student.  If someone is a visiual learner. they are not going to learn by lecturing, maybe do a little lecture, show charts, or a movie.  You also have to understand the attention span of the human mind. The Tell, Tell, Tell technique, allows you to capture their mind in the beginning, by letting them know what they are going to learn, then actually teaching it to them, then telling them at the end again what you just went over and what is to come. Teaching students different motivational techniques is important as well. Help them with their goals, encourage them, give them the tools they need internally to succeed.  When I speak to students that are in trouble, or wanting to leave school,  I always let them know that I believe in them, and that I am on the journey with them. I have held one on ones with students where we have gone over their schedules, written out their goals, and plans for how to achieve them.  We've look at internal motivators and stakeholders in their lives. It help tremendously.  It is something I am also incorporating into my new student orientation, so I can help them before they need help. 

I always ensure and advise students that my office and our conversation is a "safe space", and they feel comfortable once they realize I am here to help them and care about their success. 

Having a positive attitude and focusing on the work is great.  We must also ensure that we connect with students. 


I like the part that talked about using all interactions with students as extended admissions presentations... that it is important to remind students over and over of the WHY and WIIFM (what's in it for me) of attending school.

Being truly present with the students in class and reassuring them your purpose is to guide and teach them.  Students need to feel that you are engaged with their needs.  

My biggest takeaway for this section was: Use all interactions with students as extended admissions presentations. Remind students over and over of the WHY and WIIFM (what's in it for me) of attending school. Ensuring student know their WHY and keep it at the forefront of their mind is so very important! - Danielle


It is important to understand are self in order to understand the student and how to help motivate them to do well.

Creating a postivie environment and engaging the students is what has helped me to be a more effective instructor


Motivation is intrinsic but as leaders and mentors we can do our part to facilitate an environment that increases or sparks motivation. To do that, we need to find creative solutions to students' learning challenges and give them the best tools to overcome the obstacles their facing. Continuing to remind them of their "why," or their goal, can be on way. Another would be to ensure we're teaching to each students' learning type and then also making a human connection with them. Our saying is "friendly, but not friends," to reduce the risk of fraternization which is harmful to school culture. Leading by example is the best way to start and then using imagery and personal experiences to share with students can encourage them to keep going and complete their goals despite their setbacks. 

Positive thinking and positive affirmation are key in student success. Students must have a vision and a realistic goal and our goal should be to help them achieve it. 

Understanding the whole student is important in the academic process. 


Every person on staff has the opportunity to encourage students that they can succeed.


The environment of the classroom determines how the students experience will go. If students are bored or uncomfortable they will not retain much or be as successful as they can be. Creating a comfortable, open, and trusting environment is critical. 

Learn self confidence. If students want something to happen, it happen. 

Your first impression is the start make or break time. When your students enter the room address them by name and say hello how are you today. When students have questions answer them as best as you can and follow up if you discover more information. Students will follow your lead when they're aware of your investment in them.

It reminded me about emotional intelligence and how to asses it. It is true, this type of intelligence makes it easier for some students to learn. Knowing how to asses for it is key so you can help all students. I have seen the really smart students give up very easily when things don't go their way, but the ones who have the emotional intelligence may not have the best grades, but they have the best attitudes. Teaching students who develop emotional intelligence is also key as an instructor and part of the staff. Lessons can come outside of the classroom when they are engaging with staff or their classmates. 

Connect with students and they will begin to trust you and want to learn.

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