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Career Coaching Preparation | Origin: CS113

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Becoming an Effective Career Coach --> Career Coaching Preparation

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Being an effective listener really goes a long way when working with students and building relationships. A lot of the time, the student just wants to be heard and understood and being an active listener is a sure way to develop a trusting relationship. Knowing the right way to ask questions and give feedback and a huge part of effective communication when it comes to career coaching. Being able to find the positive in any kind of feedback that could be negative with allow the student to know you are on the same team and after the same goal. The OPUS, GROW, and SNIP models are excellent ways to push the career coaching process in a successful way. 

A successful career coach does not repremand or judge students for their actions. They provide a safe space for student to feel welcomed, listend to, understood and supported. The GROW model which allows the student to take responsibility for their success while still feeling supported is a fantastic way to establish a strong relationship with each student while still taking the correct steps towards their goal. While ensuring the student feels heard is important, a career coach must also implement the SNIP model to provide feedback to their student in a constructive and receptive way, rather than pointing out the student's mistakes and having the student feel repremanded. 

I learned that being an effective listener can lead to a better relationship with our students. Becoming an excellent listener takes determination and practice and it is important set of skills in both personal and professional life.

It is important to know the difference between feedback and judgment. Often times it can be hard to keep your personal opinions about how someone handled things to yourself. It is critical in these relationships between a career counselor and student.

I really enjoyed learning about " How to give Constructive Feedback" they are definietly great pointers that I am planning to use.

It is so important to be an effective listener and then presenting questions appropratly that leads the student to come to their own with your coaching them to acheive their goal.  

Relationships are key to helping students achieve their goals.  Actively listening to a students concerns is a great way to build that relationship.


I really enjoyed learning about how to be an active listener.  I feel I can use this in my personal life as well as in coaching my students.

Providing constructive feednack to students is important.  Paraphrasing or restating what they say helps them see that you are actively listening to their concerns,

Providing constructive feedback is very important for students. I will always ask permission; state my intent; use "I" statements, use "softeners"; use positive affirmations and be careful in my choice of words.  


Before the career coach does anything, they need to think carefully about what they're going to say and be mindful of each given situation with students/recipients to help them achieve their goals in the most positive and productive way possible.

What I took away from this section was the importance and characteristics of "active listening', 'the GROW Model' and how to give constructive feedback.  From the time that I was a little girl, I understood how powerful the tongue  was, how it could speak life or death into any situation.  Becoming an active listener lets me know that sometimes a person just needs to communicate themselves and work through situations without solutions or judgement.  Construcitve feedback allows students to learn, improve or grow for themselves.  

This section is very Rogarian meaning that, much of what I have read in this section has to do with "lessoning the conflict" or "reducing the conflict". Most of the learners I work with are adult. The program which I work in is Trucking. Adult students are significantly more sensitive to conflict, and are easily put off by insensitive dialog or any notion of lack of concern on the part of the instructor or my position as placement coordinator. 
Areas which I have personally struggled have been my confidence and my patience. I try to be unjudgemental but I often fail. My confidence in that, at times I feel as though I have no clue as to how to be a successful placement coordinator. I have mostly relied on my technique on how I instruct. I rely on the simple fact that I care. I truly do care if the student succeeds. Yet, structure and organizational skills are needed. 

The GROW method and SNIP methods will be used to help me get organized, and keep better track of each student. Up till now, I have relied on the student volunteering information and not being proactive in coaching the student. I feel as though I am severely resrticted due to time constraints and other outside Departmental situations that I cannot control. 
Teaching myself to be a better listener - improve my organizational skills - taking a proactive role in coaching the student - being positive and helpful. Be a instrument of inspiration as opposed to a tool of torture. 

I learned that it is important to hear the students out listen carefully and think about what or how you are going to respond.

This module reminds us that career coaching is…all about the students!  The reality is this work is at its best when we keep the focus on our students and guide them to maintain their voice and ownership of the process and the outcomes. I am starting a “career club” so to speak at my HS to help juniors & seniors figure out what their best step is after HS.  The GROW Model is one that I feel would be effective in this work.

The  GROW model is a good way to help the student become more confident in their descirion making skills. We want to encourage, motivate and guide the student to make confident informed decision on their own behalf versus pushing them into an idea. While providing feedback this can either help with your connection with the student or hinder. As a CSA, one must be very mindful of their own self and how they come across. Find out what matters to the student and go from there. Help them identify any obstacles and develop solutions or ways to overcome those obstacles in relation to what their goals are.


I learned about the SNIP model which stands for specific, neutral, immediate, and practical for feedback. I think it reflects a strong conversation aimed at providing positive growth. 


It's been two days since this Uvalde shooting. One of our students, who is a work study, lost someone at the horrific event. The reason i bring this up is because I relied on what I learned here about becoming a better listener. So many times I try to provide feedback but this was not one of those cases. 

I believe we all have been empathetic listeners but until now I didn't know what it was or that it had this name. I focused on only listening, making connections with the student and sharing their feelings. 



Reflective listening enhances rapport building and also assists in addressing the needs and concerns of students. 


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