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Professional Digital Presence | Origin: CS107

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Advising Students on Using Digital Career-Marketing Strategies --> Professional Digital Presence

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It's important for graduates to remain consistant on all social media platforms.

In todays digital world it is super important that students maintain a digital prescence that puts them in a good light. That simple photo at 2 am from the local bar might bring down someone's impression of the job applicant just enough for them to bypass the student for an interview. 

Social media presence is very important. Students should be aware of what they are posting.


The project at Deaken University is very interesting and an indication of the importance of digital marketing.

Personal branding & social media are the wave of the future in assisting students with job placement. 


Social media presence is very important and it's important to maintain the consistency 

Both a presentation resume and a video resume are important.  A presentation resume can be in the form of a powerpoint.  Video resumes are live recordings and can add a more personal touch.

I like the concept of THINK.  I believe this is great concept to teach our students how to be responsible when using social media or any online content.  Great information. 

I do agree that they need to remain consistent and active!

Branding is important with an emphasis on inbound marketing. Helping others and providing useful information is part of what you do to differentiate yourself. Rotating keywords and having specific keywords that are directly related to your career and more. 


Its also important to have your personality shine through in videos, your words, and even pictures. Video resumes and slide show presentations can help people (especially recruiters) find you.

Students should publish skills they want to demonstrate, think about what they are postings, follow up on information, and always seek improving upon submissions.

Again, I think this should be taught to high school students so it is great that we have this content. I envision lots of solid discussions with students on these topics. 


we all lose our perspecitive every once in a while. Being near your phone and social media increases your chances to send something that doesn't reflect your best side. One bad post sticks out like a thorn and it will take so much goodwill to have people put that aside. It is not the end of your online presence. because there will come a time when everyone forgets and moves on to the next bad post by someone else. Get back up, no body cares anymore of you wrote. 

Everyone forgets but it is not truly forgotton. It's out on the web somewhere even if you delete it. Keep on moving and don't dwell on it or else you will be the person keeping it alive. 


Students need to be aware of their footprints, and be proactive in keeping true to their brand.  I appreciate the tip for students to keep their name consistent across all their social media/platforms. I also liked the example on how to save your “profile pictures” using the descriptor along with hyphens will help in keyword searches.

I learned about that new THINK acronym to encourage clients to reconsider and reflect on what they are posting online. I think this will lead to more intentional action. I plan to share this with my job seekers during one of the orientation sessions I'd like to start.

I like the idea of using social media presence as a marketing strategy. Don’t get rid of your social media, instead use it to highlight your talents, skills, and character, and to encourage employers to “travel” to your hub, where they will find your digital resume. I’m excited to see this trend replace the traditional paper resume.

Having students build and maintain a positive online presence will help them open more employment opportunities. 

I learned several strategies for digital career-marketing, which coupled nicely with my previous course on personal branding.

When students go to create their profile, they must be  guided by a professional who manages the different tips on social networks and on the web.

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