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Career Marketing Concepts | Origin: CS107

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Advising Students on Using Digital Career-Marketing Strategies --> Career Marketing Concepts

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This module is very helpful.  I will encourage the students to utilize "Key Words" on their resumes as to generate more activity from potential employers.

I agree Ruth, the use of "Key-Words" is something that would be extremely helpful to students to incorporate in their online portfolio. I like the tip on going for "low/moderate" SEO words instead of the larger searches that everyone will be competing in. Students can focus their resume on the specific jobs they are applying for by using words that are only specific for that job, increasing their chances of being found online. 

The SEO keyword search was very informational. Helping the graduates to market themselves and students can see how they are found by recruiters. Traditional Career Marketing is something we all have to learn even as a Career Advisor.

This module has very helpful informaiton!


This module reinforces the fact that resumes are NOT a one size fits all document, and highlights the importance of customizing resumes to use the key words from the posting. This will become more understood as students grasp the idea that more and more employers are using computers to screen resumes and that the software is programed to seek out the key words used in the job posting.

This module was very informative, definietly learned a lot that I will be implementing. Especially with the "Key Words"

Teaching students to focus on key words when job searching is critical.  Students need to make sure not to focus on quantity but quality.

I love the outbound and inbound comparison and relationship to career marketing.  Great concept that can be extremely relatable to students. 

I like teaching them to utilize key words to attract employers.

Boolean key search is an interesting way to approach a search to create a more complex multi-worded search

Even the simpler idea of using keywords related to your career with hyphens in your resume pdf or doc name is fascinating. Even finding something with a moderate search volume is a great search technique to use. 

Job seekers should understand strategy, key word search utilization, and performance indicators. All to add to a robust job search and increase the effectiveness of your outcomes.

I feel old! Key word utilization, Boolean searches, KPIs, and inbound marketing are all new to me! This section opened my eyes to a lot of new things!


Key word search is useful. I learned abou the Word mapping software can do the job for you. 


This section was very helpful in explaining the difference between traditional career marketing and now with digital career marketing.  I would think doing a blend of both OutBound and InBound marketing when looking for a job would be beneficial.

I learned that explaining the value of and implementing KPIs can help job seekers focus on what they can control and might mitigate some of the emotional aspects of job searching. I plan to bring this sort of job search planning into the orientation program I'm creating.

As a career counselor, I would encourage a student to think of their entire online presence as a marketing strategy for attracting potential employers. It is now important to have an online presence in the fields the student is seeking a career in, as well as specifically adding their own brand in a way that will attract employers (find me, become interested in me). A tactical use of keywords specific to the desired career will increase the number of potential employers that will find your students online presence.

Having students better understand the concept of SEO and Key Word marketing was the most helpful information to me. 

From this module, I re-learned the fundamentals of outbound and inbound marketing and how to relate it to career marketing for students.  Having spent almost all of my professional career driven by KPIs, this lesson re-framed it in a way that I can teach it to students, again, as it relates specifically to career marketing efforts.

Teach students that job searching is a marketing process, you must explain the objectives of each search activity, in addition, teaching them how they can monitor and measure each objective, will teach them to evaluate their performance to demonstrate perseverance and make adjustments until they achieve their objectives.

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