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Good morning, as a first time being in admissions, module has a provided so far a foundation of my role as a admission representative and how to be efficient in it. I have learned terms and and polices that are important to adhere within this poistion, to be a better assest for FTC and provide quality to prospective students. 

I have learned that the admissions process has  many component to it and it is one of the most important part of ones decision to continue their education. As a part of the adimissions department you play a very important role to both the student and to your institute


I have learned the importance of our role as Admissions Staff, we have the responsability to know the rules and regulations of the State of Florida, as well as our institution offerings, policies and procedures. I will apply it by learning all the information I can to be fully prepared in order to help students in their admission process.

What I have learnt from the course are the different terms and conditions and how having a notebook is very essential. The program also states that we need to be updated about the changes that keep happening in rules and regulations , which can be though the website or through our supervisors informing us of the same. 


Particularly for me, I find this module very interesteing do to to importance of admissions terminology, rules and regulations.


The importance in stay current with rules and regulation.Aswell as the admission terminology.

This is my first position as an admission advisor and I have learned the importance of reference manuel and all the tools needed to ensure every prospective students is fitted into the best program

So far I've learned the importance of selling and consultation skills, this will help me when helping students decide if the program is the best fit for them. I also now understand the importance of knowing our job title and other specific terms. 

Recertifying and updating my binder. 


This is a totally new field of work for me. I see that I am going to learn alot.

I have learned about admissions complicance importantance and needs to be maintatined. I have laso learned aout the policies, rules and regulations of my institution and how to remain in complicace. I will used the information that I have learned to remain in complicance at all times as well as stay up to date with any changing rules and regulations. 

I have learned the importance of keep up with changing guildines and how important it is to keep resources avilable to properly assist students in acheiving their goals in education. Alos how important it is to know what your institution is offereing and how to relay it properly to students. 

This module has helped me in identifying all of the aspects of our institution so that I may better inform our perspective students and clients. 


Contar con la claridad de conceptos, vocabulario y terminología adecuada es sumamente importante, entendiendo la responsabilidad que reposa sobre mis hombros de cara al conocimiento de lo estatutos y la empresa que represento para otorgar la mejor información de manera clara y pertinente a los futuros estudiantes.


El objetivo primordial de este curso es conocer y aplicar las normas y estatutos del FCA con el fin de ampliar información clara y precisa a los estudiantes interesados en acceder a la Institución en la que soy representante de admisiones con ayuda de las herramientas de marketing, formularios  y catálogos dispuestos para ello. 







Es importante conocer los procesos, leyes y directrices de la Comisión de Educación de la Florida, ya que esto nos permite garantizar que nosotros como personal de Admisiones podamos brindar una información clara y precisa sobre la institución a la cual vamos a representar, manejando de manera asertiva la descripción de los programas, utilizando la terminología adecuada, teniendo el material publicitario a la mano (folletos, catálogos y las diferentes estrategias de 'Marketing). Pero sobre todo estando siempre actualizados en cuanto a los procesos mediante una capacitación continua.

He reforzado mis conocimientos y afianzado los terminos, agradezco toda la informacion brindada dado que como extranjero es muy importante entender la regulación. Agradeceria en proximas ediciones brindar más contexto de los estamentos, entidades para entender mucho mejor la regulación, inclusive permitir mini cursos para uso en and

As a representative of my University, I have learned that the admissions policy is important and I intend to keep abreast of the rules and regulations to periodically update my staff.  It is extremely important to also have continuing education with staff and team members.  Not just upon hire.

I am building a better understanting of the Admission Process according to the current Florida Statues and Rules to be applied in the Admission Staff at the education institution currently working for

Im a newly hired Admisson rep. and what im learning is everything has a process that needs to be followed to the tee. It is very important that one has a nkowledge mastery of what is being talked about to potential students as well as ther families, for the fact that you are a representatitive for the institution. Also procedures and programs are subject to change based on your institution so it is of vital importance to make sure you are up to date with said information at all times.

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