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Investigations and Disciplinary Procedures | Origin: CM140

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Title IX and VAWA Training: Building Safer Campuses --> Investigations and Disciplinary Procedures

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Whether or not an offense has been reported to the police, the situation must be investigated if it occured on campus or off campus when it involves student trips, off campus residences, etc.  These are two seperate filings.  A student does not have to report an offense to the police, but should be encouraged to report for police investigation.

Although it doesn't matter whether the offense has been reported to the police, it should be encouraged.  It also needs to be investigated whether it occured on campus or not.

A school is obligated to investigate an act of cyberstalking, if reported, even if it did not occur on campus. 


One of the offenses that I believe could be more prevalent in the on-line environment might be "stalking".  Unless a student reports this, it would be hard to identify but I am watchful in the class discussions.  

Reply to Robin Wiebe's post: I agree.  In an online environment, it would be difficult to impossible to know what's happening behind the scenes unless someone reports it. Students could be sending e-mails of a sexual nature to other students or be "stalking" them.  I don't think I could identify something like this in my class discussions since they are specific to the topics of the class.  

Since we are responsible for investigating the issue. My concern would be that the person envolved my take revenge on that person. (accuser). Even to the point of physical harm or death.  there's a lot of reports on retalilation especially to women that goes unreported, how can we protect them after the investigating?

Reply to Lisa Creach's post: Lisa I do agree that we must investigate the complaint, but what do we do with the information other than giving a copy/statement to the department of Education. Then what?

Reply to Robin Wiebe's post:Robin I agree with you that with an online class, it would be extremely difficult to investigate or prove staking. unless someone becomes careless and post something that brings up a "red" flag, it would be difficult.

It should be encouraged for victims to report the crime to the poilice. 


Regardless of whether or not the report was reported to the police, the investigation should continue.  Once it is reported to the police, the coordinator should still continue to investigate unless the police request them to put it on hold.  Then at time, the coordinator is responsible for continuing the internal investigation.

It is important to note that any Title IX offenses that may have been reported to the police, the situation must also be investigated by the Title IX coordinator even if it occured on campus or off campus.  These are two seperate situations that have to be done.  A student does not have to report an offense to police but the student should be encouraged to report it for police investigation purposes.

It should be encouraged that all offenses be reported to police.

Policies must be reevaluated and updatd as necessary

Reply to Lisa Creach's post: I found it interesting that the campus is not required to contact the police, it is up to the victim. 

While students are not required to report their cases to the police, they are encouraged to do so.  As an advocate for my students, I would recommend they report to the Title IX coordinator and police to maximize protection and investigation resources. 


Its important for campus employees, administrators and students to understand that campus involvement in sexual abuse and assult is a different process than filing a police report.  

Ensuring that campus officials that know about these instances encourage victums to report the their cases in important to ensure proper criminal procedings. 


we have to investigate, wheathernon or off campus. We have to keep an open mind and weigh what is before us. 

















I agree whether on campus or off campus all items should have to be investigated in a timely manner, and to keep an open mind.

It is interesting that there is a difference in the level of evidence required for criminal and Title IX and VAWA.  A criminal case may be dropped and still have Title IX/VAWA greivance hearing and outcomes.


More communication is key and consistent retro meetings to refine policies that are in line with guidance from OCR and DOE.

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