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It is very important to establish a good comunication  and to project my authorithy in the e-learning environment. It would be very beneficial to let them know about my academic and proffessional skills, as well as encourage them to do the same using in both cases showcasing biographies. By doing this students will feel more secure knowing that they have someone prepared to guide/ help them when working in the lessons.


I like the idea of having the students post bios of themselves with their expectations of me. 


I learned how not only is it important to post a biography of the instructor but also for students to post their biography as well as expand on their expectations of the instructor, not just the course content. Having instructor expectations defined by students will help the instructors develop a plan in the delivery of course material. 

projectin your presence and authority is important, and also having good relationship with the students

By giving students an insight as to how we are qualified to teach them in the field they are learning helps build a connection with the students. Buiding that bridge of communication and trust that we are here to make sure they succeed as well is very important especially in an online enviroment.

There must be a teacher student connection even in an online platform.  Teachers should provide professional education and experience to students and students should be invited to post a introductional background on themselves for other classmates to review.  


Online instructors should create a biography at the onset of class. The biograhy should include credentials, experience, and a hobby. 

I learned that the same things I do in face to face teaching needs to occur in an online environment.  I need to know my students and allow them to get to know me.

I like the suggestion of having the students posting a biography.  This way students will be able to get to know each other and determine common interests.  

What have you learned from this module? 

I learned that it is essential to initiate, lead, monitor, and manage discussion sessions to project your presence in an online platform effectively. It is also vital to oversee team projects, providing a response to any discussion questions, and providing constructive feedback to students within a 24 hour turnaround time. It is also important to be well prepared to teach each session and ensure that your responses to students are thorough and accurate. The students should also receive reminders regarding deadlines that are coming up and instructor office hours.

How do you intend to apply it? 

I plan on continuing to make sure I'm well prepared to teach each class session and providing my students with constructive feedback within 24 business hours. I have also notified my students of my virtual office hours. I send daily reminders of assignment deadlines. 

The recommendation for the instructor to draft a short biography and email it with a welcome message to students by the first day of the course is a good virtual introduction. The student biography continues the introductions and provides a good means of building a relationship with the students.


Having a personal rapport and transparency helps engage a relationship that is essential to learning.


In Module 2, I have discovered the importance of building my online presence related to the motivation and respect aspects of my classroom. I've learned how to project and maintain my authority in online learning using my traditional classroom strategies. I am reminded that student success is built and maintained by healthy relationships, mutual respect, purposeful, and meaningful content and support provided in a timely and measured manner. I plan to implement the online Biography assignment as my first assignment, as well as messaging all students individually that first week and commenting personally. I think I will use a second assignment as engaging with peers and their biographies. This will provide a "channel" for us as a group to engage each other and get to know one another.


It is important for you and your students to get to know each other. Students should feel like they have an instructor who wants them to succeed and are there for them when they need help. 

I've learned what i'm already doing but to continue to reinforce togetherness and being transparent with students.


I think it is important to build rapport with online students as you would in a regular classroom setting.  Posting a short biography of yourself and requiring students to post a biography is a great way to begin establishing that rapport.

This gives some good ideas of the depth of communication that needs to occur for a good online class. The class must be conducted in a much more than assigning multiple choice questions and unread discussions.



You can project your presence by merely developiong a common ground with your students. I feel like this is important, in order for the students to get the feeling you are another relatabeable human being as they are. 

Projecting Presence:

The goal of making it more presonable and create a little bit of community makes sense.


Ensuring students have access to their instructor and the instructor is knowledgable are key to online teaching success.



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