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Projecting Your Presence | Origin: EL102

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Online Teaching Techniques --> Projecting Your Presence

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A great percentage of education is relationship building. The types of relationships we build with our scholars is an integral part to the success of the class. The module gave great examples of how to build those relationships in an online setting.

I learned how important it is to ingage with the students in things like their discussions

My first class I have put together a powerpoint with facts and photos of my professional accomplishments.  Since I worked in my field for over 40 years, this takes me back to 1974... no cell phones , no internet, etc.  This provides the start of a conversation about technology and where it used to be and where is it going.

I will be in my classroom and show my presence to help to engage the students.  Introduce myself as well as personalize my feedback to each student. 

This module just confirms the importance of developing a connection with your students, and them connecting to you. It promotes trust and a professional comfortability within the learning environment. One of the more rewarding factors in this relationship building is when your students freely answer questions and get involved in group discussions. 


I feel that it is very important for my students to learn about the knowledge and achievements that I have gotten along my journey. I feel as though it will help them to understand that I am capable of providing them with the learning environment that they desire to help them through each course. As we know each student learns differently and and come from different backgrounds, so I think that it is very important for each of us to get to know each other.

I need to project authority, presence and build relationships with the students to give them a sense of in person classroom experience. 

in this module, it is important to build trust respect, and have consideration for your students. It’s important that you get to know your students by simply doing a little bio of themselves of why they are taking the class, a bio with there instruct, hobbies, and what they are expecting of the instructor. All this will help you project your authority as a instructor and manage the class with dignity and respect.

I learned that to build an e-leaning community it helps to post a bio on yourself and also ask stucents to do the same. This helps get to know one another and strike up conversations. 

I'm going to improve my online presence by adding a video to my bio instead of just text and a picture. I also appreciate the reminder that participating in asynchronous discussions judiciously is more effective to assert your presence than "taking over" the discussion by responding to each and every post. 

The opportunity to actively engage with students through discussions and sharing my work experience, credentials and educational experiences.

Teaching online is such different than teaching face to face. As the instructor you have to gain the trust of the students by proving yourself to them but also not bragging on yourself.

Establishing your presence in online courses might take a little more effort than in classroom settings. Techniques include posting a strong bio, getting all students to introduce themselves (and taking note of details), and being active in monitoring discussions,

I have learned that given the opportunity, it is important to share your experience and credentials with your students. This gives you credibility, while also providing the comfort for the students that allows them to know they are being taught by a professional.

I learned that it's important to engage and interact with students on a regular basis. We also covered ways to build that relationship virtually and I use many of those approaches to introduce myself to students and build that bridge to developing a relationship. 

It is interesting to me now that I can look back how my instructors used these techniques. For example I don't know how many "biographies" I have written on all my first days of class in Canvas.

Publishing my biography as an instructor and requiring students to as well can be an effective way to begin your e-learning community. 

Having a personal biography for the students which includes your level of expertise will ensure them that they are being well taught. Encouraging students to also have their own biography is a way for the instructor to get to know the student. 

I learned the value of using my personal experience to highlight my expertise and credentials.

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