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An effective memory anchor and for positive learning outcomes to occur is for educators to use acronyms. 


Great information

Using hard to forget props is an excellent method to increase retention of the steps of a process. Most learners use a variety of methods to remember important information and this is a great way to mesh those ways for them.


I learned that adding visual aids to your learning helps the students remember the subject matter. Adding visual aspects to your learning aids the process of teaching. As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words."

 T-shirts and shower caps with the anatomy can also be seen in models, charts and pictures. Story of life to teach CPr is all well. I try to have students IMAGE. IMAGINE  you were walking and found a man on the ground. What is the first thing you would do?.) SHAKE the man! Maybe he fainted or is sleeping. 2.)Suppose he doesn’t wake up? Call 911 3.) Open airway-Is he breathing 4.) Next if he is not breathing check a pulse. No pulse 5.) etc.


I try to make the students image and think!

I will incorporate the T shirt and sheet. These are great ideas!


The T-shirt demo of person's anatomy is very intereting. I would probably will use it.


These were very creative.  I loved the edible cell.  We could do this with the kidney and lungs, too, with their various structures.  


I love the idea of creative substitutions to help teach information. Having the students be hands-on and active during the lesson will help them grasp the information better


These are nice examples to utilize.


I believe it is more memorable for students to have activities that are outside of the traditional format, it is more likely that they will leave a lasting impression.


Utlizing items such as candies or other descriptors such as plato; to visually build a cell, organ system or body part.  I also do rememer the water bottle with ballons to emphasize breathing in the lungs.


I like the hands-on assignments. Students love to be engaged, so that I will use the t-shirt and shower cap. I teach Medical Terminology and feel this would be a fun exercise. 


These are are great creative kinetic ideas to help with critical information.


I  love the t-shirt, shower cap ideas

Visual and kinesthetic activities are essential to the learners success. 


these are great ideas, i just wish there is a budget for some of these


Like the CPR and heimlich ideas

Learned about some activities to consider as visual and kinestheric teaching activities, nice way to regain students' attention, and/or to get students to think in a new way.

I love the t shirt idea and the shower cap idea!


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