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Developing Learning Activities | Origin: ED204

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Tomorrow's Learning Environment Today --> Developing Learning Activities

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From the constructivist view, we are active creators of our own knowledge that means we construct our own understanding of the world through experiencing, reflecting , linking new information to existing knowldege.

 I will imcorperate this concept into my classroom by having more case sturdies where students can talk it out and have abetter understanding of newer concepts.

When using the constructivist view, instructors must be willing to relinquish some control over the classroom.  This includes being prepared to allow the students to develop their own method for understanding the material which may be different than the instructor intended.  I will incorporate this into the classroom by providing problem-based activities that consider the various perspectives of a diverse classroom.


Throughout all these training modules, it is suggested that the lessons should be tailored to each style of learning. My question is this:How practical is this on the grand scheme? If one lesson is geared toward the kinisthetic learner, in wont be appropriate to the auditory learner,or necessarily the visual learner.Likewise, if a lesson is set up for the auditory, the visual and hands on learner are ignored. Should each lesson have three versions to appease everyone? This is where my practicality question comes to bear... I would like to see examples of this scenario, where everyone is accomodated to.

Most of them do not have experiences in the working world.  Share your experiences with them and compliment the ones that share their experences with the class.

I find it very challenging as a teacher and I am sure that I am not alone here that relinquishing control which is part of the constructivist theory. I am looking to see how much control is let go and in what ways pther teachers are doing this.


Actually it is to early to really talk about what I have learned, because I am still grasping on the different styles and suggestions and trying to figure out which one style or many would work with my students.


In order for a classroom environment to support active, constructivist learning, it should provide authentic, real-world, motivating, open learning environments.

In order for a classroom environment to support active, constructivist learning, it should: Provide authentic, real-world, motivating, open learning environments. It should Pose real problems on which students can work on and encourage social interaction in order to promote development of socially relevant skills and knowledge.

I find that in my classroom, I give a little theory for note taking, hand-outs when needed, then discussion for experiences, then an activity, group and sometime individual. At the end an assessment. I find that I reach most, but fear that not all. So forming a new approach, create a scenerio for more problem solving activities.

The subjects that I teach allow me to do a lot of "real life" type instructions. I think this helps tie all the pieces together and helps the learning process.  I find that I reach most of my students through hands-on learning and while we do fun assessment-type activities. 


I have found that students respond well to hands on learning opportunites and project based learning opportunities.  My students also seem to enjoy case studies on interesting topics.  While planning for these activities can be time consuming, students seem to learn much from each activity.  

Traditional learning environment has to be changed. Making the student to be involved and active, through class activities (problem-based learning activities, case studies, project work, group work, peer evaluation, exploration tasks), would support constructivist learning theory.

As an instructor I need to be flexible and adapt my lessons to my students abilities and learning styles.  It is important to vary the technique while maintaining my expectations and standards to be taught, but will have better student success if they are connected to the material and able to develop their own thoughts to the material.

I need to incorporate more case students and rigorous activities to allow the students to increase their role in the learning process. 


Learning about terms is good but I'm ready for some hands on discussion of the ideas disscussed here. 

some have experiences in the working world.  Share your experiences with them and compliment the ones that share their experences with the class.

collaberative learning requires relinquishing some classroom control

Real world experiences really enhance the learning process.

It is important to take the real life experience students have into consideration.

I agree, real life experiences and the stories I tell pertaining to what my students are learning definately enhance the learning process and makes it fun.

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