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i learned about emotional intelligence and how to identify it and manage it.


Soft skills are more important that hard skills.  Being abkle to understand others  and relate to them is very importaant.


This was a great presentation on Emotional Intelligence and it helps to explain how and why we all process stress and how we relate to others.  


Emotional intelligence is defined as a set of abilities to:

  • Manage ones self
  • Manage relationships with others
  • Managing means, to adjust habits when we interact with others.


Persons with high “EQ” will be a better “soft skill” problem solver, while a person with a high “IQ” will be a better “Hard skill” problem solver.

4 tips to help improve soft skills are:

  • Be aware of your emotions
  • Choose your emotions
  • Manage your emotions
  • Control the progression of your emotions

“EQ” is so important because poor “EQ” can cause, poor mental & physical health, can cause poor workplace performance, & poor social awareness.



I plan to use this as an out line & reminder to use apply & implement these skills in a more efficient manor.

Sometimes it is difficult to improve on EQ, when there may be other factors involved such as poor self esteem. However, managing your emotions is a key aspect of feeling empathy for other people. Healthy EQ improves the outlook on the future.

I have learned skills to help me improve as an instructor in the classroom and with co workers. It has also helped me to recognixze the areas i can improve on in resolving conflict. Emotional Intelligence is something that has to be on the forefront of our radar and kept under control. We dont get to choose the students we teach so we need to be more emapathic and on top of our game to be more effective for all the students. If i have a student that is difficult then it needs to be addressed immediately.


I will make a concious effort to be more aware of my emotions and control my feelings when i have to solve emotional problems i see with others and will try to be more empathic and listen to their opinions and feelings


EQ is important for keeping the class motivated and interested in material being taught


EQ is important 


EQ as a teacher is as important as IQ if not more important.  


The good news is that soft skills (EQ) can be developed and we can increase emoathy and work at regaulating emtons while we grow and continue to improve. 

without emotional intelligence, w emay no be able to feel loved or give love. This could lead tomental stress and anxiety, an dineffective relationships at the work place. 


empathy is being aware of the emotions of others

EQ = soft skills/people skills + workplace behavior

IQ = hard skills/technical

There are ways to improve EQ.

poor EQ have adverse consequences: mentally, physically, socially, professionally


being aware of how we react will allow us to work on our emotional intelligence


Poor EQ can lead to a very hard life.

Reply to Brenda Blanco's post:

I agree. EQ is important when dealing with stress and dealing with different or complex situation. 

EQ is something I can continue to work on throughout my career


I leanred that we have to be aware of our negative emotions because they can progress to anger so we can choose to mangae emtions to chanel it appropriatly. 


Both EQ and IQ are important to work in an organization. 


EQ and IQ are different, but related.

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