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As an instrucrot you need to make sure that you include all of the students in discussions and activities. It ican be easy to let the center-stage student take over, so you need to make a sure that you are not overlooking the quieter students. There are many techniquies that you can use as an instructor to round out the quiet and outspoken students. 

It was very informative and interesting to see how many different types of students and personalities there are. It will keep me more aware of this, especially the first week of the term. My thoughts are to keep a journal for myself, and keep notes.


I have a few pupils who are more inattentive than others for the duration of each session. Providing gentle reminder as to proper time management is a great idea to refocus the pupil. I also like the idea of providing each student with a particular number of cards to use during Q&As thus allowing other students to participate. I have encountered students who will use the 'apple' method verses taking responsibility of his/her success and performing the work. The ideas and instruction style in the section were useful and I am ready to apply them in the classroom. 


great advice on how to deal with center stage students that want to control the lecture or want to talk about things that is unrelevant in the class.


I have learned that there is often an underlying cause to under engaged students. 


I liked the Minute papers idea.  It also lets me know how well I conveyed the information for the day.


Every type of student needs to be heard and once the teacher has heard and gotten to know the student, the teacher is best positioned to help the student and in fact use the student's strength to help them become successful in the course.


I am still learning how to manage distracted students or students who use cellphone or iPad during the classroom section. This educational section is significantly helping me to control those activities.


Adressing them when its happening. Being assertive helps.

I am definitely incorporating the "Observer" mode.



This is very helpful. Loving this program so far!

This is the first time I ever heard about the student offering of the shinny apple having such a negative connotation. What a terrible thought that a gift of an apple was more than an offering of appreciation. You make learning evil with such thought behind a wonderful gesture. To think it is a con and to get something from it other than the thanking of a great educational experience is wrong. I feel sorry for all the people who think this.


how to deal with different student personality types with different strategies.

There are different kind of students with their learning sytles. Encorparating these students learning needs in their study is very important.


I will make sure that my content is interesting and relevant for the students


It made me understand why the younger students can be inattentive.This is something that I have noticed. Also I have learned how to control the overactive studnets.


Personally, I love challenging students, especially the center-stage students. However, the important process that has come through in this section is to not overly engage them, especially at the expense of involving other students. This is an issue that I will have to put more effort into.


Lots of great suggestions for dealing with unwanted disruptions in class. When students are disruptive or off task, I can usually pinpoint where in the lesson I lost them. Then I can make adjustments as needed next time I teach it. I do think it's helpful to have some tangile strategies to employ (especially for brand new teachers) like the cards for students who like to be the center of attention, or shifting to group work if students seem bored during a lecture. 

Minute papers are excellent alternative to review discussed material for that day and also great for inattentive students. For sure I am implementing this activity in future classes. 


Learning the different roles students acquire is helpful in identifying counter-productive behaviors that disrupt classes. 


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