Kimberly Smith

Kimberly Smith

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I have learned the importance of staying organized and how helpful making notes about a lecture or assignment can be for my growth and organization in preparing for the next classes.

I have learned the various ways to manage and help students that may have behavior issues or learning problems. I intend to be aware of students that are in need of any of this interaction in any of my classes and to apply the various techniques learned ie: Use a series of test vs one final exam, watching for angry students and Apple polishers and utilizing groups to mitigate some of these behaviors as well as watching for the different ways that students cheat and how to handle it accordingly and ultimately I now know what to look for when… >>>

I have learned that there are a wide variety of challenging students. There are also a wide variety of options as to how to deal with these types of students. Center Stage Students for instance can be given "Use it Wisely" cards to help them think about the importance of their question or comment before they say it and waste that card for the class. The inattentive student seems to be the most popular in the groups of students that I have had the opportunity to observe. The strategies to divert their attention from playing on the phone or having… >>>

I have learned, as an up and coming educator, that it is very important to make a genuine connection with your students, and to help them connect with each other. I have learned that one way to do this is to introduce the Syllabus for the course on the first day and to go over it completely. The syllabus should include: Course goals, objectives, topics and policies. There needs to be a clear expectation of the students and how I can help them achieve this.  It is important to allow each student to add input and ask questions so that… >>>

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