Planning Impactful Lessons | Origin: ED125
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Effective and Efficient Instructional Strategies --> Planning Impactful Lessons
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
Nice reminder of first impressions, the starting of class with enthusiasm, giving the "hook" at the start or end of class, asking questions often, reinforcing learning, connecting classes to each other, applying the learning to their careers (the why)
Keeping students motivated is key to their success and will also help to keep them coming to class every day.
Good tips for a new instructor such as myself to keep students motivated throughout the class, and keep them there until the end.
Teachers must ensure that the students have a good understanding of what they learned, therefore, assignments need to be given to students where they can go over the material they learned and apply the learning objectives. It is beneficial for instructors to explain to students the benefits of completing assignments and how they relate to their academic goals to ensure they are motivated to complete the assignment.
By actively engageing the Student At the begining of Class and providing them with a positive attitude
I start every session with "dad" jokes that kind of relate to the subject but can see the value in having some kind of activity as a "hook."
Building relationships with your students is the foundation of good teaching. Students need to know you care about them and want to help them succeed in all areas of life. Taking the time to know your students and know how they are doing each class will help you as the teacher guide the lesson so that all students can learn and be successful.
This session reinforced for me the importance of the bookends, that is the introduction of and the conclusion to the class.
Opening and closing questions really help set the tone and solidify learning. Utilizing learning targets in questions keeps us all on track.
The biggest take away that I have from this lesson is the closing activity is just as important as the opening activity. I didn't think bout how it could conclude ant recapture the objectives as another way to reinforce the day's lesson and also set the tone of excitement for the next days lesson.
I have learned that opening and closing the lesson is very important to keeping students engaged and excited about what they are learning and to allow for more class room discussion.
I have come to learn that by "planning with the end in mind" is a principle that I should follow to ensure that my unit plan is as engaging as possible for the students.
Opening activities to aid in preparation for a project or assignment, has been very helpful.
I learned that engaging with students is very important. Starting class with enthusiasm, positivity and laying the objectives clearly in front of students sets a good learning tone for the day. Similarly, ending the class with an activity or discussion assists the students in summarizing and retaining the material from that class. These tips will definitely increase the participation, motivation and retention of the learning done in the classroom. Students will then want to come to class with more energy and positive attitude to make learning a great experience.
Planning impactful lessons involves several key steps, such as setting clear objectives, knowing your students, designing engaging content, organizing your lesson, incorporating assessment, providing feedback, reflecting and adjusting, integrating technology and resources, promoting a positive environment, and planning for classroom management to ensure teaching is effective and engaging.
Learned a lot about lesson plans and giving the students more feedback, redirection thru verbal assessments and student response in real time... Rubrics and a well designed assingment certainly help them along with the requirements, and also serves as to keep the student on task to reach the objective.
Empathy and high standards are not mutually exclusive. There should be consequences for missing class or missing a deadline, but those consequences should be measured and appropriate to the type of students one teaches. Perhaps a few points taken off the first few tardy assignments will have the same impact as giving a zero.
I work with CTE teachers as a coach, and when thinking about instructional strategies, it is important to remember how important the hook and closure are to a lesson. I really like the strategy "List 5," and I will find ways to incorporate that into my planning, and curriculim writing.
I like bell ringers and lessons with hands-on experience or projects. I learned long ago that lectures are not the way to go. I also try to share real-life nursing experiences with my lessons.