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Instructing Diverse Learners | Origin: ED106

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Enhancing Student Learning --> Instructing Diverse Learners

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In this module I have learned how to approach the deficiencies that the students might have.

ELL are a special issue, because we are dealing with students that do not have english as first language, and these deficiencies must be overcome with additional tecniques and methods.

there is a certain limitation of how many words a students can incorporate in their vocabulary and then be able to use them properly.


How to better interact with students where English is not their first language. 


Several good takeaways in this module to help students with learning deficiencies or students that are ELL learners. I think one of the best techniques to apply in my setting would be the gradual introduction of vocabulary terms in groups of 5-7 to teach the students the different phrases in drafting, what they mean and how they are used in the field.

Seth Soronnadi

Learned that: "A structured outline that shows students the key points that are going to be covered in class is one such support that helps students with note taking"


Without instructional supports many learners are not going to be successful. Instructional supports are simple to provide and are of great help to such students

There are different types of diverse learners, reading deficient, writing deficient and those who have a language other than English who are placed in the latter setting. In each decoding is necessary for successful learning.


I have learned how to approach learning from different perspectives. I will increase my skillful application of these sample in my teaching


Remembering that the student's language ability will increase as the course proceeds (if effective methods are used) helps keep teaching ESL situations in perspective. The overall course goals are not lost. 

I have learned that many of my students do not use english as thier first language setting up some translator program in my class helps them understand Not only the lesson but helps with thier English as well/

I have learned that many students do not use English as their first language and in so doing are having a hard time expressing themselve because of their limited vocabulary. Therefore, increasing their English vocabulary is formost and paramount.

Be aware that a growing number of learners do not use English as their first language, and this can present chall for you as a teacher. Learn how to overcome these challenges so that everyone can benefit, and grasp the points of the lesson.


Never really heard of ELL as a term before but this information is vital and providing more small assignments can be helpful to assess comprehension. I hope to learn more about instructional supports.

Creating content for ELL students alongside regular curriculum, may slow things down but in the end, everyone will be successful in learning the material.

This module has raised my awareness of how to be an effective instructor for students with reading and language deficits.  A lot of the strategies suggested would not only help the students with reading or language barriers but would be effective teaching strategies for all students.  I appreciated the suggestion for providing small chunks of information at a time so as not to overwhelm the students with new information, repeating the information throughout the class and in varous formats, and also providing small assignments throughout the course early on to better gauge where the students might need more assistance to succeed.

English as a learning language is a challenge for these students as they are trying to learn a new language as well as acquire new career skills. iI will strive to keep the concepts simple and use many examples of how these concepts can be applied. Have students practice repeatedly each new term and skill.

Those students who come to use with English as a LL or with reading, writing, or comprehension issues are not stupid people. We need to address them individually and custom their learning program but we can never treat them as if they are stupid or will will lose them permanently. Get to know our students, approach with respect and from the perspective that best fits their learning style. It will take a lot of work on our part but it will be a technique that will pay off. 

Learners may come with various levels of skill in readung, writing, or math, or English may be a second language for them. To overcome this, try to present information in different ways, monitor for understanding, and modify stratgies to find one that works for all students.

how to interact with the learners who's primary language is not english


Reading each word and breaking it down to help diverse learners grasp the material.


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