Kathryn Laurentius

Kathryn Laurentius

Location: st louis, mo

About me

I teach high school business and marketing as well as sponsor DECA. 


I appreciate the examples of how to use different questions types as that was very helpful for me. I also appreciated the vast research presented on wait time! How interesting! 

After taking the first module of this course I realize I ask a lot of procedural questions throughout a class period. I want to dive deeper into more open ended questions and better my understanding of extrapolation questions in this course. 

Setting high expectations for all learners is extremely important. This is something any teacher can apply. 

Making sure that the activity is aligned with the learning objectives is key. I also enjoyed learning about how important it is to debrief after an activity. This is one area I struggle in and hope to improve upon. 

It is important to use visual and auditory stimuli when you can to help improve the classroom environment. I use music in my classroom while students have work time and I feel it helps them focus. 

Word choice is extremely important when interacting with students. I also learned the strategies for dealing with difficult students helpful. 

Accommodating students with learning disabilities is important and can help them be successful in your course. It is so helpful to have open communication with the student because they often know what has worked and not worked for them in the past. 

Instructional supports are key for learners in which English is their second language. It is important to meet our students where they are at and help them be as successful as possible. 

I think learning about learning groups was very helpful. It is important for our students to work with others and learn how to collaborate. 

This unit has helped me self-reflect and focus on self-awareness of my communication skills in the classroom. It is hard at times because we, as teachers, tend to run on auto-pilot and forget to check ourselves with things such as our body language or proximity in the classroom. 

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