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Many roles as an instructor.


I have learned the five Cs: credible, candid. compassionate, commited and clear. It is important to be a model instructor.


I have learned from this helpful module that even tough I have decades in the classroom, seeking for new porfessional development opportunities is fundamental. This will help me to adjust to changing trends in education and learning styles in the younger generations, for example. 

"Love the subject and Love them"  - very impactful.


As an instructor one must be able to identify ones style of teaching and project not that you are the smartest person in the room, but rather you want to be able to sell your enthusiasm about the topic.

Show the students that you are excited about the class and the material to inspire them to be engaged in learning.


I learned that it is about connecting with your students. So that you can find the best methods for them to directly and indirectly learn from you.


Lead by example, admit mistakes and be the leader.  prior planning prevents poor performance.

Devoloing as an Insructor takes alot of professional development, learning great teaching methods that work from your colleagues and don't forget:





All done from the day you step into the classroom!



Always be professional and humble. I will always be learning!!


Lead by example. Don't assume you're the smartest one in the room.


Student 1st teaching with credibility, compassion, commitment, and clarity!

Enjoy the message relating how our intention is to help students learn not to focus on our teaching. 

I must continue to grow as an instructor. Enhancing my knowledge and training with professional development activities can help me become a better instructor for my students.


If you make a mistake - admit to it and move on.  



I learned that learning takes place before you enter the class room. Im learning the how to be a model, manage and motivator. I'm seeing how to be a better leader for myself and my students. how to improve my style in the class room. 

Be a professional rolemodel in all aspects of my field of teaching. in and out of the class room.

Be prepared and excited about what you present to your class.


To lead by example, always be professional, and to strive to better yourself as an instructor

How to be a good model and a motivator is an important aspect of adult teaching.


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