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Discussing repayment options

How do you inform your students of the different repayment plans available to them?

Having your staff actively interact with Financial Aid

In what ways do you work with your campus team to have them help you make sure we (Financial Aid team) are consistently reminding our students of their rights and obligations as student loan borrowers?


Literature I would really like to have items other than the exit counseling guide to provide for my students during the Exit Interview. Any suggestions of items?


How do I, or where do I go to find out the specific requirements for an FAO in my state?

In reference to the 48 hour rule

In regard to "After the Admissions Department has qualified the prospect and laid out a program of interest, the next step is to get the prospect in front of your Financial Aid Officer within 48 hours." , at what point would you consider a student "qualified"? Our Registrar gets many students asking for a financial plan before they even complete an application to determine if they will eligible for financial aide and therefore worthwhile for them to apply? Is requesting a full application before forwarding information to the financial office considered proper customer service?

Exit Interview process

I find getting the students to keep appointments for the exit interview is a challenge. And when they do show up they want to rush right through. We have started doing our exit interviews many weeks prior to graduation and it seems to help.

Pell Disbursements

I might just be missing this somewhere in a previous lesson, but does Pell have to be disbursed during the first week of the period? Our institution disburses all funds at the same time (during the 4th week for current students, the 8th week for new/re-entry students).

Giving Out Information

Does your Admissions Office give out financial aid information to families? Do you think the admissions staff have adequate training and understanding of financial aid to give out any advice?


Have you ever found an example of your school misrepresenting itself to the public? How should this situation be handled if you did?

Taking Attendance

Does your school require faculty/instructors to take attendance? Do faculty/instructors go along willingly or do they object to being told to do so?

Satisfactory Academic Process

At your institution, which office has the major responsibility for reviewing SAP issues?

Active or Inactive Confirmation

Does your school require active confirmation before disbursing loans? What might be the advantages of requiring either active or passive confirmation?

Separation of Function

Has your school had any issues with the separation of function and conflict of interest issues and if so, how were they resolved?


How should you address the issue when you find that a colleague in your office has violated a student’s FERPA rights?

The Code of Conduct

What do you think would be an appropriate sanction for a student’s first offense violating the campus copyright regulations?

Developing Interest and Enthusiasm

What would you do to encourage school employees not on the Compliance Team to support their unit and the Team’s suggested improvements?

Timing & the Compliance Team

How many times a year would it be appropriate for a Compliance Team to meet on your campus? Is there a particular time of year you would think that meetings would be most effective?

Wanted: Default Prevention Specialist Position

Does anyone at your campus have a Position/Staff memebr who's sole responsibility is helping to prevent default on loans? Years ago, I worked at a school who had someone at each campus, and I know that it worked well in keeping the school's default rate low. Does anyone still have something like that and how effective has it been?

Reluctant reference-givers

Every now and then I meet with a student who is very reluctant to provide references. Privacy concerns are often the reason. Students do not want their friends/relatives to be contacted regarding their enrollments or whereabouts, and do not want to provide references beyond the 2 required for completing MPN. What would be your suggestion in such cases?

Corrective Action Illustrations

What best illustrates an example of a corrective action and justify why?