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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Essential Skill Set

If you were interviewing candidates for a Financial Aid Director position, what skill set would be required and why?

Great PJ lesson

This was a great lesson! I feel there was so much information present.

Loan disbursements

Could you explain this fact to me. All subsequent disbursements of loans should occur no later than the start of the standard term, nonstandard term, or payment period. I was my understanding that the PELL is disbursed first before direct loans. Loans are disbursed 31 days after student start date of a clock hour program. I am fresh to the system and am still learning. Thx. Chris

Standard Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's)? Are there general SOP's that most schools follow as a whole when estasblishing policies as it relates to refunds, withdrawal, etc. that most FAO's use?

FAO Forms

Does the FAO within the school have discretion in developing new forms or standards to meet individual needs of the school. I understand each school is unique in what they do, but is there discretion in creating a platform that works for a new school and department as it relates to the FAO?

Integrating FAO with Key Departments

What are some best practice models for integrating a new FAO with established Admissions office, Student Services, and registrar offices that have already been established. Building the team so that the FAO flows into the general operations that have already been in place or may be outdated to have an efficient FAO?

Developing a new FAO...

What would any of you recommend to focus on first when establishing a new FAO at a new school? Would love to hear your ideas listed from Very important to Least important.

Grace Periods

If a student has used up their 6 month grace period at a prior institution and separates from a different school with a new set of loans do they get a new grace period? Thanks,

New Staff/Financial Aid Audits

What is the best way to prepare new Financial Aid staff for Audits? Especially if you have an audit team who likes to meet with the staff and ask questions.

Skip Tracing

How often do schools usually use this type of resource when trying to get updated contact information for a borrower who is delinquent or in default?

Strategies for Open Communication

What strategies could be executed in order to ensure the FAO is part of the decision-making processes that affect financial aid administration and compliance?

Compliance Best Practices

What has or has not worked at your institution to make compliance an “institutional responsibility”? What do you think are the reasons behind the success or failure?

Inter-Departmental Communication

What corrective action might a supervisor of the Financial Aid and Student Accounts/Bursar Offices put into place if they knew the offices were not communicating well and risking Title IV non-compliance as a result?

Planning for Reviews and Audits

What is the most strategic action to implement in order to prepare the institution for a Federal Program Review or audit?

Required Reading for the FAO

Why is it important for the FAO to read the “Federal Registers”?

Title IV Administrative Responsibility

Who is responsible for administering Title IV programs correctly even if incorrect action or advice was provided?

Social Media/Communication

Our institution uses Social Media as a way to positively interact with students and encompass their successes. Currently, we use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Our connections via Social Media allows students to be "tagged" in school photos such as, graduation, student success days, orientation and much more. We have found with these accounts, students are posting Dean's List certificates online as a success story, they send in testimonials and are able to make friends with current students. With this, it turns into a self-made mentoring program. All these sites and interactions help our struggling students, people on the fence of enrolling and helps open a large door of communication and success stories not only for students but for staff too. Student success rises, study groups start and retention stays high. This is truly a win/win! Plus, this helps us keep track of our students. If they are on Facebook, we have access to email addresses, phone numbers and mailing addresses if privacy settings allow. Just another tool to use in all aspects.


Communication is important in every aspect of business and is equally as important in the world of Financial Aid. Staff must keep the students informed throughout their academic years to ensure that they understand their present and future obligations.


Diversity is something we face everyday in financial Aid . We have an advantage in this area because while we are gathering facts about our students trying to get the maximum amount of student aid we can learn a lot about our students. I always try to assume nothing and never prejudge anyone.

Parent and student

Having the support of the parent I found is so important to a dependent student's success. Having the parent and student both understand the application process is so important.