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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

The use of policies and procedures are the best alternative if there are any problem questions.

Being consistant can prevent any triggers for program reviews.

Discuss the impact that Financial Aid Administrators have on our students impression of education and making the right school chioce.

Outstanding customer service

A student can forgive mistakes, but not bad attitudes.

Outstanding customer service

Compliance Audt

Each Institution needs to have practices in place internally to minimize any findings on the compliance audits.

Steps to avoid a program review

My opinion on that subject, is not how to avoid the review, but how to be prepared for one. There is no way to avoid one, because there are so many factors that can trigger a review. Some reviews are mandatory depending on the agency doing the review.

Importance of completing an Education

Discussion on how the Financial Aid process is effected when a student decides to withdraw from school and tries to re-enter.

Developing Financial Aid Understanding

Assisting Students and Parents to understand the difference between Grants, Loans, and Campus Based Funds. Communication with Parents on how important it is to assist in the Financial Aid process and applying for the PLUS loans instead of alternative financing such as 401K, etc.


Better comunication between Fin. Aid and the student.


good comunication betwen financial aid officer abd students will be a good and efficient job

Compliance Audit

Discuss the ramifications to the college of having several noncompliance findings in the annual FSA Compliance Audit.

Preventing Program Reviews

Discuss the steps a school can take to prevent triggering a program review.

Return of Title IV Funds

Discuss the impact that Return of Title IV funds have had on colleges since its implementation.

Impact of Efficiency

Discuss the impact to both the college and students of having an efficient Financial Aid Office.