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default rates

What do you think about sharing the schools default rate with students? I know they can and should access this online, but do you think it would help them to understand how they play a role in helping or hurtin future students and their ability to borrow?


Are there any good resources you can recommend online that walk studnets through correcting their credit issues?


Our Admissions dept does not think it is their responsiblity to help inform students about their obligations. Without talking about financial aid elligiblity how can they do a better job of information studnets of their responsiblities to pay back any loans they receive?


With the loan increases in july 06, we are having a difficult time meeting our 90-10 obligations. What do you suggest we do to make sure to meet 90-10?


I have over 9000 records to review in NSLDS on a qtrly basis. How are you able to review all of these records to avoid having a repeat error finding?

Compliance Audits

Please give me some time manamagemt suggestions on how i can review 100% of the files all of the time without taking up the entire day.

Exit Counseling

We have a terrible show rate of studnets when we try to conduct exit interviews at the school in a group setting. Do you have any ideas on how to drive more studnets to the group exit interview?

Bad Debt

Our University is having a difficult time controlling bad debt expense, how do you suggest we better manage bad debt?


i learned a lot from this subject


this was very useful, thx


Topic 4-Payment Plans. There are some charts showing how the payments and interest rates are calculated. However, I could not figure out these numbers. What are the formulas and calculation of these example payments? Thanks!

Entrance and Exit Interviews!

Which ways are more effective when doing Entrance and Exit interviews online or one on one with students?

Collecting References!

What are ways to improve information updates more accurate if we received false references?

Default rate!

What is the school's current default rate in the U.S ?

Title IV Credit Balances

After processing a student's R2t4 calculation as well as the student's institutional calculation and the student has a credit balance (federal funds the institution was allowed to keep from the R2t4 calculation exceed the institutional charges for the period), it is legal for a school to reduce the student's loan debt with the credit balance as long as the student has provided authorization to do so?

Compressing the Processing Timeline

We are striving to compress the time between receiving the FAFSA and giving the student the Award Letter. I would like to hear from others' experiences regarding this. What is your average timeline? Are you trying to shorten your processing time? What issues / problems have you encountered?

Assisting borrowers avoid delinquency...

Describe a practice at your institution that assists borrowers avoid delinquency. How effective is this strategy?

Improving Entrance and Exit counseling...

Identify ways in which your current Entrance and Exit counseling procedures can be improved to help with default prevention.

Gathering student information...

Consider why it is beneficial to obtain borrower contact and reference information throughout the student's academic career. Identify steps you can take to improve your information gathering strategies.

Getting admissions and faculty involved...

To what extent do your faculty and admissions offices contribute to your institution's default prevention efforts? Identify steps you can take to increase their involvement.