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I learned Orientation is a key component in the retention and success of students. The more inforamed they are at Oriention the better chance themy will have at becoming graduates and sucessfully employed. Additionally, having mentors is a great tool for retention as well, because students often have life challanges and with someone to mentor them and encourage them it amy potetially keep them from  dropping out of school.

Mentoring is a key component of retention, and it should continue throughout a student's academic career. 


I learned that student mentoring is one of the keys to success for retention, I like the idea of informal mentors. 

Mentoring has a positive impact on student success.

I have learned that mentoring has a positive impact on student success, both formally and informally. This will impact retention greatly, it really shows how much an institution cares for their students!



I have always found the value in mentorship. I learned how important it can be to retention and the organization of setting up even an informal mentorship program. 

Orientation is one of the many strategies to help retention.

Having a mentor can be extremely impactful for students not only because they have someone that they can go to with questions and concerns, they also have someone to celebrate their wins with them and help them recover from losses. 

Orientation previous first day of classes could be extremely helpful for student transition. Mentoring formal or informal is another strategy institutions could use to support students. We can measure the impact of orientation and mentoring in retention following students performance. 

"When you have formal mentoring, informal or something in between, it all impacts on retention. You are demonstrating that your school is structured as a caring environment."

Mentoring can be formal or informal. Implementing mentorship can help create a caring environment and community for students. Having a go-to person can impact retention by allowing students to have someone they can turn to during challenging times.

Orientation should include opportunities for bonding among students. I like the idea of having students write down their names and locations so they can begin to form groups. This event should also include faculty who are positive and inviting, who share their teaching style, and who are approachable. Including upperclassmen is also helpful, as some students may feel more comfortable with a peer as opposed to a faculty member or administrator/staff. Faculty can also conduct mini-orientations by checking in with the students and having class discussions about challenges and more.

Comment on Christy Streeter's post: Building community is key in the modern world. 

Mentoring students from the start is very important so that they can succeed. Orientations should be planned out to inform students of everything. Having faculty and staff involved in Orientation should be a key to welcome and provide new students with mentors. I even like the idea of including senior students involved. Having an informal mentoring program in place is also a good idea to help retention- these could work for smaller school. 

A detailed to-do checklist can assist with making the transition into a successful student. Most students underestimate the amount of changes attending school will bring to their personal and professional lives, including their closest relationships. Managing this transition proactively greatly increases student retention. Carving out dedicated time for class and studying is critical as is having multiple back up plans for hiccups in childcare or transportation that may interrupt class attendance. Official and unofficial mentorship programs can both help students find a lifeline when navigating challenges.

An effective mentor is the key to the students development throughout the program.

A bad mentor can be worse for a student rather than having one at all. 

En esta etapa aprendimos sobre temas como ser:

Importancia de la orientación
Programas de orientación eficaces
Importancia de la tutoría
Mentoría informal
Mentoría formal

Que nos permite mejorar las practicas utilizadas para la orientación  y tutorías.  

Es muy importante acompañar al estudiante proporcionando información clave para el éxito de su programa académico. Es necesario conocer las ventajas del programa y comunicárselas con claridad. Esto resolverá dudas que posiblemente el estudiante no planteó desde el inicio.

Orientation is a critical event in the life of the student. Not only is it the "hand-off" between the Admissions and Education departments, but it is a capstone and a cornerstone of the student experience.  

I like the idea of a mentoring program, and I think we can incorporate some of the items I learned into our Student Ambassadors program at the campus. 

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