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What have I learned from this module?

  1. Faculty needs to attend orientation and share a bio sheet
  2. Students need to be informed about employment outlook and types of jobs/title available.


How do I intend to apply it?

  1. Ask faculty and staff to attend orientation or provide a bio sheet.


Faculty make or break the experience! Involving them in orientation will help build trust and relationships with students


Faculty plays one of the biggest roles in the student experience. It is important for faculty members to connect with students on a more personal level by sharing a bit of their 'real' selves. Sharing some of the fun background of their life with their students, so that they can connect better. Students tend to feel more welcomed when they know more about the people they will be spending a lot of their time with during their time at school. It is also important for faculty to encourage students to connect with each other throughout their time here. There is comradery in going through this together, and having a support system within your program makes it that much better and a more wonderful and positive experience!


One of my favorite parts in  this section was the mention of having teachers talk about things outside of class. This helps the students relate more and help them understand that teachers are human as well and have issues/goals/dreams just like they do. I like this because I feel as though sometimes students forget that teachers are just like them and they can too achieve their goals/dreams.

Our school has a great 3-day orientation program, which includes the introduction of my department - Student Services. During our portion of teh orientation, we introduce ourselves and talk about what we do to offer support resources for our students.


Be more intentional about faculty attending orientation, 

Orientation is very important beacuse it can help prepare the student for their classes. Also is important to note that faculty is an allies for the student and not their enemy. Faculty is very important for the retention of students.

It is important for the Faculty to be approachable and show that they are also people not just faculty.  By providing that Bio Sheet to highlight the faculties professional experiences as well personal info then the students can become comfortable. The faster that the students become comfortable with the faculty the faster they will overcome fears and this in turn will provide an enviorment where they can focus, achieve, and learn. I also agree that by communicating possible job opportunities and titles that align with the programs offerred is important to showcase that this really is about their career and helping them achieve that goal.

Faculty are an integral component of student orientation.


A welcome folder with all informations needed for the term would be a wonderful idea. In my class i do a welcome orientation via zoom which consist of the agenda and expectations in the class. All instructors attend so we can introduce ourselves and provide guidance on how to navigate the 10 week term we have. 

All faculty should attend orientation. Too often we see just program directors at orientation. Having students meet their instructors and learn a few things about their background will make students feel more comfortable when they come to the first day of class. 

I enjoyed reading how important faculty involvement is during orientation. I also found it helpful that faculty should include personal information to allow students to see the instructors as a person and "approachable". My question would be, should all representatives of other departments include this personal touch in their presentations, such as financial aid, student services, etc.?

I am going to start applying more ways for the students to interact with each other in the classroom, but also outside of the class. 

I love having the faculty involved with orientation. It gives the student additional faces to look for if they are lost are need help.

Prepare items that will give confidence to the student that they are part of something larger than themselves. 

Meeting faculty, instructors, and even other students ahead of time gives you a great opportunity to exchange information with each other for better communication about who your team is and what you will be doing in order to succeed.  

It is very important for faculty members to attend the orientation because they play a critical and key role in retention efforts. It's also important for them to create s relationship with the students.

Key components;

Statements from the faculty regarding what they like about teaching.

Reinforce the institution's ability to prepare students for the workplace.

Set clear expectations for the classroom environment.

I feel that we have done a good job with orientation but think we can get faculty more involved.

discuss all important programmatic information so they know up front; introduce all staff and have them provide a small background about their experience and what they bring to the table; create a welcome pack to send home with the students.

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