Compliance versus a Culture of Compliance | Origin: CM107
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Compliance Training for Faculty Positions: Sustaining the Culture --> Compliance versus a Culture of Compliance
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
I take the mission statement of my University very seriously. We are here to provide an educational need. Students want to be heard and given direction to get the most out of the degree he/she receives. We have to help them along this path. We have to challenge rules sometimes to bring about positive change. The world is evolving and so we need to evolve as well.
To be transparent and forthcoming with the students about the school and their education is the best culture of compliance.
I love that our mission statement at Paul Mitchell really lends right into what culture in a work place and a school has to offer.
I beleive in order to be a compliant institution that culture of complaince must be there so that it is expected for all. I agree with the point that the explaination of the importance beigning shared by all helps establish that culture.
doing the right thing is always best. Maintaing the highest standards and not bending rules will not only be transparent but in the long run, it builds trust.
Fostering a culture of compliance not only benefits the institution, but more importantly, translates into positive student outcomes. Our mission as educators is to provide individuals with the education and skills that not only assists them in obtaining training-related employment, but helps them to become a contributing member of society as a whole, and the community in which they live.
I feel it is important to follow the mission statement regarding culture. Every culture is unique, everyone should fee safe in their classroom. It is the role of the instructor to set the standard for the inclusion of all cultures. The instructor should never show favoritism or be judgemental of any student.
It's important that all departments follow the guidelines of high standards and show consistency. Everyone needs to be committed to the the missions statements that have been established. I believe transparency is key and that most students can be forgiving or understanding if we explain the "why" behind polices, processes wiithin compliance guidlines. Where students get frustrated is when there is not clear communication and or understanding.
Culture of compliance is not just a set of rules posted but a standard that we model. Understanding our actions will effect our department and our students experience. I believe that we should be honest, professional and kind when enteracting with one other and our student. Having clear consistent communication that line with our values and mission should have a positive outcome.
In dreams begin realities. Good Expectations can lead to good action
Acharacteristic of a compliance culture is that the school is true to its mission. Most institutions have a mission statement to which they adhere and ours sticks to it like glue!!
The expectations are set right from the beginning. Following those expectation or standards or compliance is that much easier when hwat is expected is known. Makes it easier ofr instructors and students
I like discussions about complliance because people need to know why they are investing their time and money into a particular organization. Complaince builds trust and actions speak louder than words. I feel that my actions will show that I understand and trust in the college's values and mission(s) and therefore the students can learn to trust not just myself, but collegues and the institution itself for their futures. I am glad that I can be a part of this culture of trust.
Compliance is all about respect. Respecting the student, respecting the college, and respecting the values that drive your mission.
I believe that knowing the mission statement of your institution is incredibly important. In essence, this is what the foundation of your school is built upon and everyone needs to adhere to it and make sure that they fully understand what it says and means.
It is important to see the school's mission and vision in action. And, despite student struggles, it is critical to help them climb the mountain instead of lowering the height of the mountain.
transparent and forthcoming with the students about the school and their education is the best culture of compliance.
A culture of compliance requires being intentional in all interactions and staying aware of your actions and affects of them.
Builds a foundation of trust