Legal Obligations and Opportunities | Origin: CM251
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Students with Disabilities: Legal Obligations and Opportunities --> Legal Obligations and Opportunities
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Not all disabilities are visible. But may be embarrassing to the student.
Higher learning institutions require to accommodate students with disabilities, under section 504 and ADA. A student with disibilities would include anyone who has a physical or mental impairment that affects 1 or more life activities.
I learned that all educational institutions are subject to the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA not just schools receiving Federal Aid. Also, that it is the responsibility of the individual to advocate for themselves by contacting the appropriate school official.
Accomodations are a requirement not just the right thing to do. Treating these situations with sensitivity is important to ensure staff is building a safe environment for each and every student.
I learned that ADA and 504 allow for students to have access to programs and that accommodations are not meant to give a student a 'leg up' but to even the playing field.
Equal access to education
This has provided a better understanding of what is considered a disability and what accomodations are then provided.
This has provided a better understanding of what is considered a disability and what accomodations are then provided.
I learned students with disability don't necessarily have the right to certain things. However, the law grants them equal opportunity to learning opportunities and it is the school's responsibility to ensure that, within reason, the student is accommodated so that they can fairly access the same learning opportunities as everyone else.
I have gained valuable knowledge about the different types of disabilities; the specific roles service animals play in assisting individuals, the legal rights of people with service animals under the ADA.
There is a difference between provided accommodations and assisted learning.
Laws to protect those with disabilities are a necessity. I personally know people within aviation that have disabilities, but are actually the smartest and best in their field. A disability can also be something that may need some accommodation while others don't need said accommodation. Either way, they are capable of achieving success.
We cannot discriminate students with disabilities. They are entitled to the same opportunity as those without disabilities. They must be given accommodation based on what they need.
I’ve learned that institutions have legal obligations under laws like the ADA and Section 504 to provide accommodations for students with disabilities to ensure equal access to education. I intend to apply this knowledge by advocating for inclusive practices in my future work to support students' needs and promote accessibility.
Section 504 and ADA protect people with disabilities and level the playing field when it comes to education and advanced learning such as college or university settings. Students with disabilities are entitled to equal educational opportunities that without the accommodations wouldn’t be possible… such as a blind or deaf students seeking higher education.
Students with disabilities have the right to equal access to educational opportunities. These students are entitled to the same quality educational opportunities as those with no disabilities. accommodations made to help these students are made in order to help them achieve their educational goal because without them the chances of them achieving their goals is harder and less likely. It helps to level the playing field.
I learned that there is a significant difference in what these laws provide, as far as rights to accommodations vs protections. I was not aware of the protections built in to these laws for institutions. I also found it interesting that color blindness is not considered a disability.
I have learned about disabilities and the accommodations that are available to each. I have also learned that depending on the situation, students do not have the right to special treatment, but are promised fair and equal treatment by the institutions.
higher learning institutions are required to provide accomodations for persons with disabilities.