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Learning to effectively identify what causes the stress, weighing it against other known factors and assigning the appropriate mindset to move forward is key. We tend to inflate problem rather than identify it and address it properly. Stepping back, taking a minute, analyzing the situation as a whole and proceeding with a clear head and goal has helped. Understanding that stress can be positive is an interesting approach and one I intend to use to my advantage in the forseeable future. Good tips!


I need to take time away from my desk for lunch, and I actually need to eat lunch.


Stop, breathe, reflect and decide on  a direction.  Most useful to help with anxiety and stress...   


It's critical to build resilience to stress and stay aware of what is creating it. Avoid mind-traps and accept what you cannot change but change what is posisble, even if it's one step at a time.

Quite a number of diseases and illness we experience is as a result of of stressful situations. Effectivly manage stress and we willl lead a better longer life 


be more calm 

During this module, I learned that unhealthy stress can hijack your brain and spread throughout an entire team. Learn how to identify when this is happening and take back control.


mindfulness is important, also self care!

I learned to do manage stress by doing phusical activty for 30 minuts.  


I realize that I really need to stop when I'm feeling stressed.  I know how to breathe but I don't do it consitently and I don't ususally look at my emotions and then analyze and then choose.  I need to slow way down.

Stress is a normal and natural response, but allowing it to overwhelm you can be a problem. This course introduced me to new ways of managing and recognizing stress. I look forward to implementing some of it's methods, such as taking time for mindfulness in my day to day.


I found the stop, breath, reflect, and choose method can be very helpful in stressful situations.  Exercise and eating healthy has always been a big part of decreasing stress. Too bad many people don't do it!

I have learned to take a moment in stressful situations. 

I had so many takeaways from this course 

Two helpul ones related to 1) Using structure as a way to gudie and plan for effectvness, which ca then help us manage stress and allow for time to counter stress and 2) Tpping into self-care, midnfulness, good food, and plenty of sleep as ways to fortify health for better resstance to negafuve impacts of stress 

It was a great reminder to not catastrophize and see stress as performance enhancer

I learned to deal with my work stress!

I usually deal with the effects of work stress by doing some exercise, like walking on my lunch break.

excellent class I will use some of the techniques discussed


set smaller goals

Stress is to call an action from each you, to perform the task at a higher level, or over-react and cause stressed. 


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