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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

The Legacy Thinker

How do you motivate an employee to embrace new policies and procedures that are necessary in order for the business to stay relevant in its respective field?

How do you approach an otherwise unresolving conflict among your team?

Will you dismiss your team member, will you change their positions, will you bring HR into any unresolving conflict, or you take an initiative sometime off the policies and guidelines to address this matter?

Harassment in the face of conflict resolution

Have you ever been in a situation that while resolving a conflict among employee, you've been accused of being a harassor?

Team Leadership Issues

What will be the best way to promote team members to have better communication and respect their team leader if they think that they can do the job better without the guidance and approval of the team leader?


What would be the best way to persuade team members to implement a procedure when they already feel overwhelmed?


Reflection is very powerful.

SMART goals

Important to develop SMART goals.


Authentically desiring, caring and being present to coach team members generates greater outcomes not only in business but in the develop to individuals and teams.

¿Cómo reducir el miedo hacia la tecnología y los aplicativos en los docentes?

Ceo que lo primero es aceptar que es parte de nuestra realidad y cada vez será mayor su presencia en la educación, por lo tanto, recomiendo intentarlo una y otra vez, normalmente no pasa nada si uno se equivoca, pero los resultados son muy gratos, pues la productividad, eficiencia y eficacia aumenta.

How to deal with people that never accepts mistakes?

In my experience, working with knowledgeable people has many benefits, but sometimes, they are unwilling and incapable of accepting their mistakes. I've seen in my team that some people are quick to find blame in others, make unsubstantial excuses, play fool, anything but accepting they made a mistake. I'd love to hear how you would handle this situation.


This has taught me that you need to write about 12 sentences per paragraph and need to always proofread your rough draft.

How to overcome conflict?

How does one overcome conflict when the other person doesn't see your point of view?

Conflict: Healthy

It has taken years for me as a leader to understand that conflict is healthy and needs to happen in order to address everyone's concerns regarding "hot" topics on the job. The trick is to ensure it is healthy for everyone.


I have definitely learned to become more self-aware when faced with stressful/anxious situations.  Think about how I am affected.  What could I do differently.  Be grateful.  Self-talk.  Move on!


Preparation is key to effective presentations.


Do you think supervisors want feedback from supervisees?


Be consice and to the point, people don't want to read unimportant information

So much useful information in a short tutorial.

I learned about myself today. Now I know why I didn't like being a manager. it wasn't about the circumstances, it was how i failed to communicate them.


I think I prepare well but will commit to better evaluation of the topic prior to speaking.  


I was challenged not so much by sentence structure but in clarity and length.