Leading and Motivating Others | Origin: ML111
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Leading and Motivating Others
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I learned that to effectively lead and motivate people with different personalities.A key strategy is to tailor your approach to each individual , understanding their strengths ,motivators,and communication style , while ensuring a shared vision and clear goals for the team , y active listening , providing personalized feed back creating enviroments were everyone feels valued ,empowered to be their disnctively self.
Using these skills will help me develop my leadership skills. There is always room for improvement.
Leadership is extremely multifaceted, and using strategies learned I can create a cohesive and productive team that enjoys coming to work every day.
Establishing a clear vision, developing trust, listening, fairness and commitment to the goal at hand is vital to displaying and developing leadership skills for yourself and future leaders.
The training mention practices will help foster a sense of belonging and inclusion, ensuring all team members feel welcome and supported.
Leadership is challenging, on one hand, there requires a high level of emotional intelligence to identify opportunities and on the other hand a highly level of discernment to know when to implement whatever leadership style can best fit the situation.
I enjoyed how the training provided scenarios. I think this is a great way to review the many different challenges that leadership faces and how to best overcome challenges and obstacles, while also achieving goals, and keeping team motivated and aligned.
Leadership is essential as it inspires direction, fosters collaboration, and empowers individuals to achieve shared goals and drive positive change.
Ensuring those around you feel empowered and motivated toward a common goal is one of the most important duties of a leader in any field.
At the end of the day, listening first and speaking second can accomplish more for a team than all the planning a leader can do to make the team more productive. The team members are in the thick of things each day, they know better what they need, how they can be supported, and where improvements can be made individually and as a whole.
Listen intently. Lead by example. Continue to learn.
"There is more than one way to skin a cat" as the older folks would say. Meaning, there are several ways to lead and motivate to achieve the desired goal of a company. Yet, as a leader we have to show emapthy and really get to know our staff, while also letting them know that was value them and the work they do.
El liderazgo empieza con un proceso de autoconocimiento que nos llevara a la autoeficacia y la inteligencia emocional asi mismo a actuar de acuerdo a nuestros valores y ser genuinos. En el aspecto de la interaccion con el grupo la capacidad de escucha que nos lleva a la empatia, el saber empoderar al grupo, hacerlos sentir unicos, respetados y que sus aportes valen, ofreciendoles recursos pero dandoles espacio para que actuen libremente
Motivating an individual or group is a key feature of an effective leader, but the actual methods employed can vary widely from personalized to general. Know your audience, consider your relationship to them. Individuals tend to respond well to environments that provide constancy in expectations, recognition of their efforts, and provide a them with a "voice at the table". They like to be seen, valued, and feel like their efforts have an impact.
Comment on Francisco Gonzalez's post: Comment on Francisco Gonzalez's post:
Thank you for sharing, Francisco! You’ve made some great points. I especially agree that credibility as a leader is established by setting an example and understanding the situations your team faces. Leading by example creates trust and sets the standard for how we want our teams to behave and perform.
It’s also key to remember that empathy and understanding employee issues is a powerful way to connect and support them in a meaningful way, which fosters loyalty and boosts morale.
It's important to create an open environment for our teams to allow them express their opinions and engage the when we build a vision
Listening and recognition are key to motivate our teams
Learning different tools to use in my tool box while continuing to strive to increased and successful leadership skills. Identifying and applying depending on many different situations. Motivating and leading is different with each individual.
Consistency in selling the vision to team members is crucial, as is being a good listener.