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Value Added Assessment | Origin: EL106

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Evaluating Student Learning in Online Courses --> Value Added Assessment

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It has been beneficial to learn about value added assessment.

I learned the a rubric is more than a grading tool, but more importantly is a way for the student to stay on track and even assess themselves.

Value assessments can measure a students growth compared to where they started.  


I have leanred that a Value-added assessment, has several benefits and offers other methods of keeping track of student scores:

Focus, Fair comparison , Accountability ,Diagnostic.

Students can rely on a rubric to complete assignment within the expected guidelines.


Value-added assessment tools are vital for both the student and professor - by providing tools like rubrics for students, the student can better understand the goals of assignment (as well as the course overall), and learning focuses can help the professor restructure the class so future students can benefit from.

This was a rich module for me.  I learned about three types of assessments: value-added, alternative, and authentic assessment. These also were new terminologies for me. It was interesting reading about the criteria in using each one of them and the difference between them.

I have seen rubric before but I did not use it with my students as I teach mathematics. However, I am planning to use rubrics for the project assignment.

Rubrics allow students to know exactly what is expected of them on a project or assignment by letting them know what will be graded and how.  This not only aids the instructor in insuring students are graded fairly and equally, it helps the students stay focused on what ithe instructor is looking for.

Value-added Assessment should be used to provide a more accurate student assessment. The students will receive more focus, fair comparison, accountability and diagnostic approach to grading and assessment. This is more of a student-centered learning Approac. 


The rubric is needed not only as a guide for grading but provides the student with the guidelines needed for growth

I learned that by providing rubrics to students at the beginning of the assignment will provide them with a guide of  what the expectations are. In my line of work, having real world experience is important, and by using tools to evaluate what experience students have aids me to better prepare and expec from my students.


Rubrics can give the instructor a sourse of what the student knows.

Rubrics are a necessary tool in the success of your class.

I learned that student evaluations are essential to the class structure and it's objectives there are different types of evaluations.

Not all suit the course we may be in, but we use them and learn from them.


Seth Soronnadi

I found it interesting that to have a well-designed course that meets its outcomes/objectives Student evaluations are an essential source of information,

I learned of how important the Rubrics are a necessary tool in the success of your class.

Rubrics are useful tool in preparing the students for an assignment as well as evaluating their performance.

Value-added assessments can provide both the teacher and the student with abundant insight into the point of origin and final destinations of a course and help to reconcile and course correct for any unplanned departures.


The proper implementaion of rubrics can really help a student. It let's them know exactly what is expected of them, helps them focus on what the instructor/program demands for the course or  assignment and helps ensure that all students are being graded fairly.

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