Barri Blauvelt

Barri Blauvelt

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It was interesting to reflect on what is my 'effective teaching patterm" and consider areas of improvement.

I thought the different styles of instructor was interesting, and plan to mix it up more, myself. 

Found the entire module outstanding. Particularly the part on scaffolding.

Incentives for participation can also include Gaming. For Competitive learners, this has strong appeal, so you need to also make sure that everyone is on an equal playing field in terms of having the ability to earn a virtual reward, e.g. a simple virtual 'button' or other prize icon reflecting the specific topic they are learning.  I try to avoid leaderboards, unless I am teaching people to be more competitive. Then, having one makes sense. Otherwise, everyone should be able to make it to the top and have the opportunity to become the winner, at their own pace (or whatever… >>>

In making yourself, as an instructor, more "real" to the students, one aspect this module missed was having a video of you speaking to them as though you were in the classroom, embedded in each slide. You can do this easily in PowerPoint. 

Good reminders of the need to make sure you are completely familiar with all the technical aspects of the CMS. 

Good reminders, especially how to encourage student peer and self evaluation

I enjoyed learning and being refreshed about a lot of things, including appreciating the diff between an exam and an quiz. 

Good to be reminded of the differences between sychronous and asychronous learning. 

I developed this as a pre- and post-read to a virtual course we customize for every client.  In the course, they also take a KaRISMA assessment, first, which assesses and autoreports to them how competitive they are on each of the 6 dimensions of competitiveness in selling. Then the course allows them to work in virtual teams or individually (but better as a virtual team) to develop strategies and tactics they may learn to and use in their own jobs to heighten their competitiveness. They are assessed online with a key learnings quiz (Level 2A) prior to joining the course,… >>>

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