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I feel that this course has some great information in it, espcially in the times that are in now. I feel that I have noticed some strengths that I have, that I didn't even realize were strengthens, but for sure some weaknesses that I need to address. I am noticing the importance of feedback in the virtual world and the need for it. I also see that diretions should be presented in  different ways for each type of learning styles. 

Alternavie ways of contact due to lack of technology is important. I give them a number to call but need to make sure I tell them to save it just in case they nare not able to get online. I was remined about chunking and how important it is for our students who have so much going on in their lives. Being able to do a little here and there makes a difference. 

Some students struggle with technology so finding alternate methods to deliver assignments to them and allow them to complete their work can be an area of improvement.


Great information on motivational engagement. 14 - 18 year old are struggling in the virtual platform. I like the idea of content chunking and making sure that I engage them every 10 - 15 minutes if I can. Going to continue with the REMIND platform as students always have their phones in their hands and actually SEE the remind.

I was pleasantly surprised by all that we are already doing correctly considering our sudden move to online learning. My favorite idea is Content Chunking to help break up material and assess for understanding more periodically!


As an online instructor l we have to be S engaging as possible, using different types of technology and programs to help lead and mentor students in the correct direction, without overwhelming them and disengagement. 


What I have learnded from this module is how to better help motivate my student learners. I found it very interesting the differnt techniques that can be used to help motivate a blended learner. I also learned it's best to make myself more available with doing blended learning. I really liked the idea of posting differnt questions and keeping the students more engaged with each other and not just with myself. I also learned to allow all aspects of leadership to get involved with my students as they can be a resource to them as well


Motivational activities have to be adjusted for each course given the make-up of the students. Assessing their desires and needs will help in the development of the activities.

The social engagement aspects are important to overcome the shyness of the students. Only when they move into the online learning room they are approachable by us.

Oddly enough, the biggest thing that I took from this has already been discussed in other trainings. It is all about making sure that the students know that you are a real person, not a bot, and that you're there for them if they need it. Also, you have to make the subject matter fun. I know that not everything is a barrel of laughs, but we need to take that dry material and turn it into something they're asking more about. Whether it is relating it to real applications or letting them guide the lesson. For instance, I have a programming class where I say that we want to use these following tools. How would you like to use them. Granted, prompts and pushing are sometimes necessary, but once they get into it, the ball rolls sometimes into unintentionally funny spots.

I would like to try to provide more feedback to students.  


I am new to teaching online so this course has given good insight to implementing online teaching styles and interactive ideas. I am excited to try new teaching methods.

I have students who absolutely thrive in the current online einvironment ( we use MS TEAMS).  They are not afraid to speak up, volutneer or even show me their lizzard or dog during class. Then I have students I never see and I never hear My goal is to got those involved who are  "cruising along"  There is divide between tech savvy students and weaker ones. I need to imporove student to student engagement. 



I find it extremely difficult to keep students motivated when forced into online classes. Though our school has regularly scheduled MS Teams meetings, students just don't bother to log on. I like the idea of chunking material into smaller pieces, and I think if I can get away from the feeling that I have to fill every minute of class time and aim for quality instead of quantity, students will be more likely to remain engaged. 


The online classes have been challenging and in this module they have explained several different aspects for online learning. I will apply and use these daily to get my students motivated and engaged in learning. 

I have learned steps to keeping students engaged. Not all students percieve directions in the same way. Break up the course into smaller chunks. Efficient and Effective feedback, keep it positive.

In order for a student to be successful in online learning they must first be disciplined. The teaching/learning is a two-way street therefore instructors are too learning or should carefully assess engagment levels as this will help determing the morale of the audience and increase motivation. Establishing a rapport and realizing that there various platforms and tools out there to engage the various type learners is what will make an online class remarkable.


I have been teaching online for 16 years.  I learned that the school I teach at already does most of what this video covered so we have done a great job on keeping up with this.  The only thing I would like to apply is setting up a Wiki in my class as our LMS does allow for that.  I  will have to get approval from course development and/or program manager to do this.

Reaching out to the students and helping to motivate/inform them is key. Getting to know them through the introductions, having clear communication about what is expected, and providing gentle reminders can help them get through the course. 


This module has taught me how to keep the students engaged. The most interesting thing that I learned was to provide the directions in multiple ways.  I usually assumed that students would understand verbal directions but I found that I need to inlcude written and maybe even a video showing them how to do something.  This will definitely alleviate all the email full of questions that I get. My students would probably do better if I content chunk and assses more often. 


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