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Effective engage is one of the keys to a a successful on-line class.


With the switch to online learning, I have come to understand how important timely feedback is to student engagement in the assigned activity.  I think it is important that I develop a plan for providing feedback in an appropriate amount of time.  Since we are using online learning management systems, it will be important for me to find a way to present the feedback in a meaningful and accessible way to students. To make larger tasks appear more achievable in the online setting, I will chunk large activities into smaller sections for my students.  I like the idea of utilizing the online program called NearPod to present paced lessons to my students in a synchronous setting.


Transitioning from a face-to-face extensively hands-on classroom to 100% Distance Learning has been a difficult transition for my students.  Working through the Engaging Online Learners course has helped me to think through using strategies that I left in the classroom, such as online games like Quizlet Live and Kahoot.  I need to keep up the social engagement.  The course also challeged me to look for other resources, like class wikis, to encourage more student-to-student engagement.  One thing I had not considered enough before the course was that some students may be limited to their phone for access to the Internet and my LMS.  I will make sure that I attempt to identify this limitation before the class begins in my welcome video.

Learning about motivational engagement was very helpful.  The ideas and suggestions given were interesting and useful.  I know when I have large classes giving effective and effiencent feedback it tough, but necessary.  I think if I try to develope a bank of starter statements and categorize them, it might help me be more productive and give feedback in a more timely manner.  I also liked the idea of an intro activity made to start the virtual class off in a productive way.

Engagement is created through student-to-student annd student-to-student interaction, adherence to social learning and other motivational theories, explicating relevance, and providing methods of active interaction with the content and the group.

Creating a LMS Sytem and using the fundementals taught in this online version.  Using chunking to spread out the contents to make sure students are engaged. 


I've learn diffirent way on keeping my students interested, engage, and motivated. It open my eyes up on the areas that i need to improve on to accomplish all the above.

I learned that shortening lecture into smaller parts can increase motivational engagement. I believe this will allow the students to process the information better and reflect on what the focus of the lesson was.  Also, implementing more social technolgies in the classroom can assist with delivering required information and increase student engagemen.


I have always believed that connection and relationships with students are key in the classroom, now that we may have to teach virtually I need to make sure that these connections are grown right off the start because motivation is key for student success and without motivation a class will probably be like pulling teeth.  Make the students feel welcome and important to the class and they will want to be there and learn.   


I learned that it's important to have a discussion post each week or unit.  To engage the studetns in ideas and discussions.  If you present a meaninful question and be involved as well you will hopefully get insight and feedback from the students.  Teachers feedback should also be meaninful and constructive to help the studetns inprove and keep them acountable.  


Gloria, this section was very help[ful It opened my eyes to how important motivation and engagement are such an important aspect of the learning process even thought the class is being taught online. Unfortunately I believe that students today need that enterainment to help them learn or to at least start thingking how this can be fun, engaging during the learning process.

Working within the learning styles of each student will help motivate those students in the class. Students will respond differently to the different offerings in the course.  Using the outcomes to steer future  ofering will help engage students and help them succeed. 


I  have learn that students need motivation in order to be successful.  In order for tha to happen, I am the key.  What I have learn from this all students can be successful.


I learned that there are so many ways to engage students in the classroom environment. Motivation is definitely the key as students learn differently and engaging the student from a variety of ways creates an active environment. 


After going through the module i learned that i must engage and interact even more while teaching online due to the added obstacles. Engaging through various sources will ensure that the point gets across to the students As well as giving proper feed back after an online discussion. Instead of telling them they did a great job i should explain why i belive so and give examples if needed. 

As a facilitator, the go-between for both student and instructor I can double-check that the students have the contact information for their instructor, especially the names.  I can encourage the students with reminders that they can reach out to their instructors for feedback, insight, questions, concerns, etc. prior to them feeling discouraged.  This can be reiterated early on in the course proactively. 


In order to get students to "buy in" to online leraning during COVID has been a challenge.  I have learned that one needs to  make sure that the students understand that I the teacher am here for them.  I   realize it is different but together we can make the learning a fun and grear exprience. Keep a  discussion board for the students to discuss the assignments and collaborate with one another and chime in when necessary.

I am realizing that some of the activiites like the game stlye reinforcement type may be helpful for certain students. I have overlooked these in the past but am realizing that ths could be very helpful for those tht learn in different ways from the majority of my students. Also having an open discussion board where the students could interact without structure could be helpful too.

I may need to invest in better video equipment. I would like to be able to record videos of me writing on paper or a whiteboard as I explain grammatical concepts. I may need to talk to my DOE about this.

Also, I need to send email reminders to students who are habitual procrastinators.


I learned to create alternate ways for students to contact me. Typically email is provided and a phone number. They are posted on the course menu "instructor office or info", but I learned to encourage students to save it in another place, like contact numbers, in case of internet issues, or if unable to aces course.

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