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Providing regular feedback, ensuring instructor presence through communication is necessary for motivating students to stay engaged throughout the online learning course.

Comment on Dahlia Brown's post

Hi Dahlia Yes motivation is important as it provides reason to be successful. It should be a part of an instructor's daily work.


Dr Ajmal

This module facilitated reflection on my performance and I am now motivated to continuously consider ways to engage students.

still have majority of Students who are not aligned with attempts to perform "Hands-On" assignments, but would rather remain home and miss valuable experence(s)

I have learned and reaffirmed so many things I believe about engaging students. An online environment is different. The LMS is such a critical piece. I am grateful I have worked as an instructor at my school and as teh director of distance education, becasue I feel I have learned the LMS inside and out. In addition, simple things that we regularly do at PIC need to continue based on this information. The relationships we attempt to build with students, our weekly communication, and reports all add up to student achievement. 

Online learning is a whole different mindset. It must be engaging and capture the students attention.

From this module, I've learned about various strategies for engaging online learners. I've explored the importance of social engagement, such as fostering a sense of community, encouraging collaboration, and providing opportunities for interaction. I've also delved into motivational engagement, discovering ways to motivate learners through intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as setting clear goals, providing feedback, and creating a supportive learning environment.

switching every 20 minutes from a video clip , to the book, to the white board to draw a picture

Hola, hasta el momento he estado utilizando varias de las herramientas para mis clases virtuales como ser foros, videos, grupos de trabajo, trabajos individuales, etc. Sin embargo, creo que es importante, de acuerdo con lo aprendido en este módulo, creo que debo dedicar más tiempo a la retroalimentación aunque esto representa para mí un reto por la gran cantidad de estudiantes que tengo en mis cursos.

Otra de las cosas que me llamó la atención es la importancia de realizar una actividad al inicio del curso, ya que hasta el momento he tenido solamente un foro de presentación pero son muy pocos estudiantes que participan.

I took online courses during COVID; trying to learn Massage therapy applications from a computer added a whole new challenge to my learning. My instructors did an amazing job of using online tools such as Zoom meetings/ Google meet and videos of them preforming techniques to help with the application of techniques. I've learned that keeping students motivated and engaged can be challenging, but there are also many different ways to available to do so. It's important to make sure you find what works for you and your students and offer different ways for your students to engage within the class.  

Always keeping in mind social engagement is basically based on constructivism and social learning theory is a base for developing effective teaching activities

Comment on Tania Chacon's post: Keeping up motivation is always a plus

The online learning environment is new for me, so this training was very helpful. I was a hybrid student for many years myself, so I can see how these tips were useful for me as a student. I feel this insight can help me in the areas I can improve on in this environment. 

 I do well is in the areas of social engagement to include making introductions and setting a tone in my classroom. It's very important to set the students up for success by setting the expectations of the course and creating a safe space environment. Where I can improve in the area of social engagement is by better familiarizing myself with other admin resources. Staying up to date on available resources and having that rapport with admin can better assist students. 

I probably do best in motivational engagement because I am such a animated person that like to keep students in their toes. This online environment will prove a new challenge for me, but I like how the training provided more tips and ideas. I usually provide a lot of feedback throughout my lectures because it helps check for understanding and allows students to know how they are doing. Content chucking and leveraging technology is something that I am looking forward to utilizing more because of the hybrid structure of the program. I can certainly improve in those areas as I haven't used them as much in my previous instructing. 

It is important to understand that there are different styles of learners and different styles of teaching and both are needed to be taken into consideration when properly and effectively engaging the students in the online classrooms! 

I have been able to reflect on the engagement methods I am already using and create some additional strategies for motivation & engagement in my online. courses like EBP, Ethics & Legal, and Leadership. It is always beneficial to have some guided reflection on my current methods and areas for improvement. 

This information is only confirmation of what I have experience, the expectation and increase resources to help me to be a better instructor. I will implement more related visuals for stimulation of learning. 

Context allowed me to see where I am excelling at.  It gave examples on how I need to curve the way I teach and get more students involved in the session.

I feel quite good about the social engagement, but I feel like I need to focus more on the motivational aspect.

While i was familiar with many of the techniques covered in the videos for social and motivational engagement, I appreciated and learned from the detail and context covered. In particular it was helpful covering the nuances of motivational engagement and how that can be tailored to specific learning styles. 

Because students are balancing work, home, school, and personal lives, I can offer reminders and announcements that help them stay motivated for their course and academic goals. 

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