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Throughout my course, I've gained valuable insights into engaging online learners effectively. I've learned that fostering a sense of community is crucial, and I plan to encourage active participation through discussions, group activities, and collaborative projects. Timely and constructive feedback plays a pivotal role in student motivation and learning, so I intend to provide regular feedback that is specific and actionable.

I've learned two things.

Engage your students & Motivate your students.

Instructing in an online environment can present a unique set of challenges, and each set of challenges is a unique combination based on the material that is being taught as well as the students themselves. Everyone learns differently, and sometimes trying to come up with ways to get people to interact, make the learning more enjoyable and not feel monotonous, and especially trying to get the more reserved and quiet people to interact can be tough. After going through this module and reflecting on things I have done in the past, it's helped me to think a bit deeper and understand a little more of just how important it is to actively work more on social/group dynamics with the students. It's not impossible, but depending on the subject matter, you just have to think outside the box a bit more. If there is one thing I've learned with teaching, it's that the animated interactions and response seem to catch their attention the most.

Battling against lifestyles of online learners can be challenging to truly know if one is understanding and are competent with the material. However, utilizing some of the strategies of motivation, social interaction and journaling can be methods to increase their knowledge of the materials for class. The true test would be to bring students onto campus and have exams taken in person, however, our online enviornment would need to establish values for engagement to better student understanding.

In an accelerated schedule such as ours (5 week terms) and teaching courses (ENG) where no student actually majors in that concentration, creates many obstacles and challenges when it comes to student engagement online. However, over the years I have learned that stressing writing is a skillset anyone can improve upon with time and practice, writing is a process meant to evolve over several drafts and not be perfect the first time, and that's my job to help them improve.... lifts a great deal of that weight off their shoulders. That's important especially in online -- constantly stressing in lectures, messages, announcements -- that I am there to help them but communication is key. Faculty are not mind readers and can not fill that void of misunderstanding if students don't communicate their needs. How do we do that? Persistence. Students will still fall through the cracks because they refuse to take any responsibility for their education, BUT most will try really hard if they know someone is watching their progress and genuinely cares.

Since instructing online I have only dealt with solely online, uploading PowerPoints that students don't look through or textbooks they do not ready. Makes things difficult to put out good career minded individuals in the work force. Now I am in a place where I have to actually do Online Classrooms and not sure the best ways to go about that, any help is appreciated. 

I realised how important is know the personality and the way they learn. so we as a teacher have to thinks about diferents ways to teach. And now i have more kids to do that.

Social and motivational learning are key to enthusiastic, authentic, and engaging learning experiences for students. With the rapid evolution of software over the past few years, I'd like to work on developing more social learning opportunities for past/current/future asynchronous students to interact as well as better use of leveraging technology for motivational learning for the students. 

In this first module, we have learned about how to both engage and motivate learners. I think that this will be helpful for the hybrid course I am about to start teaching. I am excited to begin! One strategy I plan on using a lot is communication. This hits both engagement and motivation as by discussing things with learners, I am engaging them and helping to motivate them. Two examples on how I plan on engaging them is through effective feedback and reminders. I also plan on bringing a part of me to the course to show that I am really there for them and care about their success. 

Yes, motivational engagement is important. It is also a way for students to think critically.

Providing constructive feedback by showing the student what they got correct and showing how they can improve their answer is important in student engagement. When a student is not answering substantively, I provide a feedback with an open ended question to give them opportunity to expand on their answer and be more substantive.

I typacly like to use interactive labs and gamifiied learning or video content from other sources for new prospectives.

In this module I have learned the importance of engaging with the student before and during the course. Students need a variety of ways to stay engaged and motivated.

Mantener la atención en clase es todo un reto e incentivar a la participación aún más, sin embargo con las pautas del modulo en la cual se apertura a una comunicación más abierta permite la atención de los participantes, generando continuamente el interés por los temas desarrollados.

I have learned that many of the kinds of engagement activities I already use in my courses work to promote better student-to-student and student-to-instructor relationships. I also now have specific terminology to explain my process and kinds of philosophies I use in my classroom. 

I learned that keeping online workers engaged and focused can be difficult, but there are a number of ways to help with this challenge:                                                                                                                                          ----It's helpful to make introductions early and communicate with them as much as possible. 

-Interactive tasks help keep their minds moving and add variety to the learning process.

-Look for feedback from students to see if theres any aspect of the online learning process that theyre struggling with, give them feedback in return.

-"Chunk" the learning material into manageable sizes, to help students tackle it piece by piece without getting overwhelmed and bored.


I teach a blended curriculum (half online/half in-person instruction). Since we meet in person, I often overlook the importance of student to student engagement online.  I like the idea of incorporating more discussion boards to enhance participation online.  I also like the idea of content chunking.  I feel like I do this in a lot of my online lectures already, but not all. Looking at it differently, chunking allows the students to not feel as overwhelmed when faced with a lecture, especially those students who are working around other work schedules/home life.  I also feel like breaking the material into chunks can offer better opportunities for discussion prompts between videos.  

This course has been helpful to introduce new ways of keeping students engaged in asynchronous courses as well as confirmed that some of the methods that are already being used are good to keep.  Making directions available in a variety of ways and introductory activities seem to be the biggest new idea takeaways that I plan on exploring in future courses.

This course really enforced the affect and meaning of instructor and staff engagement. At my previous institution, the technology including our LMS, was severely limited and outdated, and because it offered only asynchronous courses, the president had structured it so that there was 0 contact from instructors. Students would only have content with admissions advisors, academic mentors, and alumni advisors. Receiving feedback from instructors as the content experts is a key component to social engagement though. And having systems that allow for versatile, effective and efficient communication and incorporate useful technology would increase motivational engagement while decreasing procrastination and the number of inactive students.

It seems to me a very useful course, it teaches us to know options to interact with students with different tools and maintain their interest in the course

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