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Reinforcement and validation can lower apprehension 

I woull like to use Tentative and Check-out statements, and ARC model in emails.

Margaret DeMarinis

I will prepare all my announcements using positive language, explaining the reasons for the importance of the delivery of each activity and its relevance for the progress of the course, I will also use affective and interactive statements in order to contact my absent students and know that What has happened to them when they are absent, what problems have they had in delivering their tasks and how can I support them. I will work on using cohesive statements more to socialize a little more with each of my students. And I will also send personalized messages to have a closer relationship with my students.

I find self-disclosure statements very interesting to apply in my classes and I know that it will be very helpful to achieve better retention, likewise emotional bracketing also seems to me to be a very interesting relational writing practice that is easy to apply in my classes, But of all the Arcos method is the one that I feel will be very helpful, especially to communicate with the group leaders and motivate my students to carry out their group work.

I will definitly try the ARCS Model which I considered interesting and I think it will help in my communication with the students.




Good day for everybody: this module has been very enriching, it is very important to take care of writing online. Apart from being an evidence of the teacher's work, it is proven that it prevents desertion and motivates students to move forward.

communication must be personalized, empathetic and above all effective, so that students feel that they are not alone in the process

La comuniación en linea debe basarse en el respeto y la comprensión, debemos ser tolerantes,  a las malas formas de expresarse de los estudiatnes, debemos utilizar las tencias mostradas en este modeulo para tenr una ralición cordial y oportuna con ellos.


He aprendico sobre la importancia de pensar en cada palabra que forma parte de un mensaje anviado a loa estudiantes dado que estas los motivarán o los desanimarán, por tanto un mensaje bien elaborado levanta a cualquiera.


the way we communicate and the level of empathy we use make a difference in the way we manage to bond with students

Este módulo me ha permitido comprender la importancia de la comunicación en línea, porque una misma palabra puede ser interpretada de diferentes maneras de acuerdo al estado de ánimo de quien la recibe. Ya que la palabra escrita no puede transmitir el lenguaje corporal, el instructor debe ser cuidadoso con las palabras, además de ayudarse con los emojis o emoticonos. 

Ese trato amable con las palabras contribuye a la retención de los estudiantes


Reply to Luis Diego Chacon's post:

Hola Diego, comparto contigo la importancia de la empatía en cuanto al trato con nuestros estudiantes. Siempre que voy a responder un correo "fuerte" de algún estudiante, debo pensar (antes de escribir) ¿cómo me gustaría que mi instructor me tratara si yo fuera el estudiante? La respuesta a esa pregunta, debe ser la guía de mi respuesta al estudiante.

Los dos modelos podrían ser el ARCOS   que permite más atención y relevancia al asunto planteado por el estudiante, en este sentido se puede lograr una empatía, puesto que se le esta otorgando la atención que requiere de forma  enfocada y puntual  y la  otra practica seria la Secuencia de respuesta que trata de una manera muy personalizada y nos proporciona detalles importantes  como llamarle por su nombre.

Personalize the message.  Validate the concerns and emotions of the student.  Talk at length later if you cannot talk at the time the student is anxious.


The ARCS model is a tool that will help me tremendously over the next 6-months. Even the ARCS-based email template will be used to help my staff construct more effective emails.


The power of the written word can be more relational when using positive language (so word choices) to get that humanistic or affective component with feelings within the message. This invites a sense of belonging among the group, establishing better rapport, trust and overall more motivating to learn so would help to improve retention rates as well.

I feel it is so important with the students to acknowledge their feelings and emotions and I think at times that can be a struggle. This is especially difficult when I feel the student could be achieving so much more!

I found that communication online is best FaceTime or video log. Students are able to interact but with a little more responsibility. As stated in the previous module we don't want too much anonymity. Calling on students by name is effective from teacher to student and should be no different from peer-to-peer.

I definitely wished some of my instructors in college had done this training! The importance of validation and acknowledgment cannot be overstated. I'm thankful to have these important reminders, especially when much of our communication is done through writing/email/online feedback.

I have realized that responding to a student's concern in an empathic manner and follow on the feelings and concerns of student, makes a great difference in how open they are to encouragement and correction when needed.

Make sure to keep communication interactive and positive.

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