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I have learned that constant or permanent training updating myself in the different tools that can be applied to work in online courses is essential to be aware of the latest technological trends applicable to an online course, within my plans it is in the first place updating and improving the management of my courses by dosing contents and activities, improving in terms of response time and effectiveness and quality in each one of them. Improve communication channels with my students to be in permanent contact with the student, improving retention.

It must be understood that students are now employees who study, therefore their priority will be to maintain their employment, therefore, it is necessary to be more empathic and analyze the current situation of each student, it is necessary to know the 7 competencies that an online student must have to understand within which or which is focusing the problem presented in the class as this will be very helpful to be able to guide and advise him in a better way and get him to continue with his course. Since, according to my experience, many people are afraid to ask others, they don't like or don't know how to investigate, they don't like to work in groups or they don't have many technological skills, but knowing how to identify the problem can be of great help to give an effective response to each student.

I have never thought of the skills students need to take a course, I take for granted that if they have enroll on an online course tecnology is not an issue. Now that I read the information giving I will be more aware of my students skills to support them so I can improve my students experience in the course.


Greetings, in this lesson we have learned about the rapidly accelerating growth of online education. The Covid 19 Pandemic has allowed a greater reach. It is important to know the post-traditional student and the expectations of her so that there is a good understanding between all parties. I have been surprised by the numerous skills that online education allows and with this I confirm that it is just as important as face-to-face education.
Have a great day.

Teacher support is vital in online education. Motivation is a frequent task for students to move forward.
It must be recognized that students have to be committed to online education.

Self-taught practice on many occasions in this form of education is valuable

each student has different needs and tastes. We must learn to listen to these differences in order to provide more personalized services that meet the expectations of the students

Conocer las características o habilidades de los estudiantes en línea nos permite enfocarnos de la mejor manera en él y ayudarlo en su proceso con empatía.


Desde el punto de vista del marketing, el éxito de una organización consiste en conocer las necesidades de los clientes. Este curso me ha mostrado que conocer las características de los estudiantes en línea permitirá establecer estrategias acorde a sus necesidades. Si una organización atiende a su cliente cubriendo sus necesidades, el cliente (el estudiante) nunca querrá ir a otra organización porque será un cliente satisfecho.

Reply to Gustavo Solano's post:

Hola Gustavo, comparto su comentario en relación a que los "...muchas personas tienen miedo de preguntar a los demás,..", es por ello que los instructores debemos crear ese ambiente de confianza en los estudiantes, si fuera posible, antes de comenzar con las actividades evaluadoras del curso. Creando ese ambiente los estudiantes ya no tengrán miedo de hacer consultas y estaremos apoyándoles para alcanzar los objetivos del curso. 

El conocimiento  del perfil de nuestros estudiantes, nos lleva a reflexionar  a que no podemos mantener una comuniación generalizada con ellos, ya que cada uno tiene un particularidad. El conocimiento de su perfil nos llevar a mantener una buena relaciones con los estudiantes y esto nos llevará una mejor retención.


Students understand and see the world in a different way, without a doubt we manage to serve them in the best way when we point in the right direction.

It is a Excellent information and we have a lot of refletions about the online teaching .

Es sorprendente el crecimiento que la educación en línea a tenido, siendo definitivamente un factor decisivo  el tema la pandemia y como lo describe el curso la educación en línea  obligó a las instituciones a implementar una infraestructura remota para aumentar sus ofertas de cursos híbridos y en línea

We cannot leave technology out, it is not moving closer or further away, that is why it is very important to know how to dose it and, above all, to know how to use the best tools and that our students have them to

Online learning isn't for everyone. Students are lacking in what their strengths and weaknesses are and then taking an online class. Many are not participating, thinking the classes are easier or not much work. Even if a syllabus, class schedule and video have been posted about this topic. 

In this unit, I learned a lot about self-management, self-advocacy, and technology fluency. As an educator, I come across lots of these areas that need development. Online learning provides growth in all of these areas.


Reply to Todd Grzech's post: I enjoyed reading your post and have experienced similar things. 

": Self-advocacy is the ability to assert oneself or ask for help. In online classrooms, instructors cannot see a confused look on a student’s face. Online students must take the initiative to ask for help before problems become emergencies. "

Technology has changed the way curriculums are designed and the way in which educators teach and in which students learn. Online learning is not for all students, but may be used as a quick, efficient way to learn while working full time, seeking an advance, promotion, etc. so may not be engaged fully in what is required with online learning due to both internal and external motivators or barriers. Plagiarism is an issue that constantly arises for me in online courses even with the Turnitin program as students 'copy' more than in prior years so educating on research and proper citation is imperative with all level of students.

I definitely feel that online teaching creates many challenges. The biggest challenge I face is student engagement. I try to require that cameras are on and include question and answer sessions but it seems to always be the same few students that paticipate.

The post pandemic online learner changed the game of how students learn and why they want to push forward with careers. Most according to the statistic are motivated by children or their dependents. I see a lot of this in the classroom. The next generation is waiting for a reason to push themselves forward.

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