Sandra Lucio

Sandra Lucio

About me

Working on online education. Passionate for life.

Let`s all go forward!!


Artículo de interés del años 2021.

Considero que la clase se hace menos impersonal.

Se podría realizar  un plan de recuperación de tareas.


Teacher support is vital in online education. Motivation is a frequent task for students to move forward.
It must be recognized that students have to be committed to online education.

Self-taught practice on many occasions in this form of education is valuable


Harmony will reflect positively if the administrative team and teachers work as a team to serve our students.

The branding of the university can be one of the points to take into account in the development of our brand, also taking into account academic factors, clear rules, prompt customer service, etc.


Reply to Jonathan Musci's post:I agree with you, in online education the motivation and active role of the teacher is very important.

The interesting thing about this course is that it helps the teacher... to remember the motivational part, since it can be very cold from the computer, if you don't answer on time, if you don't show up, if the students don't have feedback.

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