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When anyone talks about learning styles, the first thing that comes to mind is the Kolb cycle and the four main learning styles. I always thought that learners have one main learning style, and I enjoyed learning about Bergquist and Phillips's proposal of the different learning styles. 

In this module I learned how to work with different student profiles considering synchronous and asynchronous work. Nice tools.

Muy interesante la cantidad de tips necesarios para fomentar la participación de los alumnos y mantener el interés. Algunas muy simples y sencillas pero que son excelentes instrumentos a aplicar. Es interesante como podemos “ver y conocer” a nuestros estudiantes a través de las estrategias u herramientas de participación que utilizamos

a good way to foster learning in an  asynchronous lesson is  by mantaining the focus on the discussion and by presenting thetopics  on logical segments 

a good way to foster learning in an synchronous lesson is by providing learners with the information they need and consider differences in time zones 

I found the difference between synchronous and asynchronous debates very interesting, with the suggestions of each one, highlighting that the asynchronous one should be the most appropriate for complex topics. The distinction between the learning styles of avoidant, competitive and dependent students is also very interesting. They must be given more attention with appropriate strategies.

Super interesante este módulo del curso. 

Puedo decir que una de mis preocupaciones durante mis cursos en lineas era más lo asincrónico que lo sincrónico. Y acá he aprendido que debo darle un mayor valor a lo que los chicos hacen en los espacios de tiempo que no estamos conectados al mismo tiempo. 

Generar mayor interacción y dar cuenta de aportes de valor es una habilidad que sin duda se desarrolla con la experiencia. 

Tomo nota de cada recomendación tanto para lo sincrónicomo para lo asincrónico, me lo llevo todo para mejorar mi práctica docente. 

I have learned the importance of asynchronous type dialogue when teaching important course content. I will make sure to maintain a focused continuing discussion, and to keep a clear communication style with the students through the use of appropiate wording and participation from my part. I will also make sure to integrate into the discussions the different learning-types of students, so that each of them may benefit fully from the course. 

In an online learning environment, it is important to use both asynchronous and synchronous discussion media to promote learning and understanding of topics, it is important to maintain a friendly, respectful and participatory posture to always promote student participation, feedback in these activities is the finishing touch.

One of the challenges of online teaching is engaging students in meaningful ways. Some students are receptive to discussion posts and attending live session, and some might shy away, or not find any benefit. For these reasons, I am learning how to engage students in the asynchronous discussion as part of a way to keep the class interactive. Some students might have learning styles that make it difficult to participate in discussions and sharing their ideas, so learning how to engage those students will be important to my success as the instructor. 

I learned the difference of verbal and nonverbal studying and learning patterns and the difference of synchronous and asynchronous. 

Synchronous meetings may have their place, too. They are most effective between an instructor and a single student. Asynchronous meetings are preferred for a whole class, and this type promotes engagement and interaction amongst many different learning types.

The important of class sizes and which type of discussions should be presented, synchronous versus asynchronous. Remembering not everyone reads at the same speed chats should be used for individuals while asynchronous discussions can be used for larger groups where they can expand more on their knowledge. 

Communication is the key to success in the online environment. Any information that can improve communication and collaboration can help instructors. I appreciate the reminders that constructive and sensitive feedback is important and that mutual respect is important in online discussion boards.

Learning the difference between asynchronous and synchronous discussions were very valuable and how to provide feedback for each was very helpful and will be utilized in my teaching strategy. 

I attend to apply this information in my class and lesson planning 

I found the different learning style interesting - as I was watching I was thinking of my current class and what their 'styles' would be.

I hadn't realized that synchronous discussion should be reserved for one-on-one interaction.  I do think it is a valuable tool to resolve individualized issues.

Utilizing asynchronous meetings are more helpful and useful for effective student learning. 

Learning the difference between asynchronous and synchronous discussions are very important. Asynchronous is great to reach all students in the course; synchronous is better for one on one interactions between instructor and student. 

I learned about the difference between synchronous and asynchronous discussions. Synchronous occurs in real time and they are also known as chat sessions. They should not be use to teach critical content unless you are dealing with one student at a time. In contrast, asynchronous don't happen at the same moment.

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