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E-learners have a higher sense of security when they know they have someone there to support them. It's important for Instructor's to initate the lead, participate in synchronous discussion sessions, and oversee team projects. 


Just as it is necessary in a traditional classroom, the online teacher's presence must be made known in the online classroom. Presence of the teacher is directly linked to the students' engagement. Teachers can establish a presence, as well as credibility, by introducing themselves with a short biography at the very begininning of their class. Professional experience, training and sharing of special hobbies and interests are good to share with students.  It is just as important to get to know each of your students by requiring them to share pertinent information about themselves at the onset of the class.


Relationships and presence have the same importance in online instruction.

Building rapport with the students is critical. Students must have respect for the instructor and trust that that they can deliver quality instruction

Communication and regular discussions will make your students feel supported.  Posting a biography about you and having your students post a short biography about them will help build trust and relationships.  If you don't know the answer to something, it's okay to share that, but always say you will find out and follow up with that promise.


This module spells out methods to project your presence and authority as an instructor.  Professional experience, academic achievement, and other factors help.  This is important to communicate to students.


Managing student interactions is important as well.  The instructor should be the "moderator" in student interactions.


Credentials matter

Very similar to teaching in the classroom; teaching and learning is a relationship. Building strong relationships with your students doesn't guarantee success; but ii is more probable. 


State credentials, describe experience and connect with learners by both student and teacher bios.

Get to know your students by understansing their backgrounds and thier needs. By doing this you can best assist them in the online learning environment. 

I understand the importance of posting credentials.  In an online course I also add something that personalizes me. 


Students' response could be varies via online learning vs in person. THerefore great information to learn about online instruction.


Be mentally prepared each day to provide a high qualityexperience for each student. Learn all you can about each individual and their needs.

It is crucial that we as instructors provide a good turnaround time on feedback, constructive criticism and grades in order to improve performance, enhance learning and engage with the student. I also believe that when the student is supported in their learning environment they have more confidence to ask questions and feel comfortable interacting with the class.

Projecting Your Presence

The information that I am gathering about the e-learning environment seems to be very similar to the unspoken social environments that very few people are actually aware of. Upon meeting someone, it's pretty well understood that you introduce yourself and then allow the other person of interest to do the same. These introductions establish an unseen projection of the other person. In the e-learning environment, students expect a level of subject matter expertise and professionalism from the facilitator. So, for the sake of a controlled environment it is important to establish this expertise from the beginning. Thus, giving a bio of accomplishments, experiences, and other qualities that project to students that a greater level of assistance is available to them creates a healthy expectation.

Structure and discipline embeded in the CMS (Course Management System) along with the unique delivery of every instructor reflecting their qualifications, experience and Charachter lifestyle as tid bits of acadamic example ensures the succsess of any acadamic undertaking. 

There are however many methods to display structure and discipline and many models have been observed from very nurturing to a very regimented learning style. I think the most succesfull instructors fair somewhere in between the bell curve. 


To initial establish a relationship with students, by sharing biographies and interests. It is important for effective communication and by able to support students.


I think it's very important to establish a connection with online learners and posting a short biography is a great way to give them a feel for my personality and experience. I have them do the same and post a biography for their first assignment. 


I like the idea of posting a short bio and the idea of having them do the same.


I learned that you have to relate to your students as if you are with them face-to-face. You have to be the one facilitating the learning environment and be attentive to student questions

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