Clinical Setting Teaching Tools | Origin: ED311
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Creative Teaching Tools in Clinical and Didactic Courses --> Clinical Setting Teaching Tools
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I will implement hand gestures to communicate with my students.
Keeping students confident and engaged will take time to learn. Active listening through games can keep them learning while at clinicals. The dot reminder provides a visual aid to both instructor and student that a task may need to be done. Red are tasks that the instructor needs to be present at and green tasks can be completed on their own where blue tasks can be completed either way.
The Dots gave me a good idea and I will look at how I can incorporate. Possibly with training, when new students arrive and having students in class that have completed certain tasks. This could be very beneficial!
There are some good ideas for some things I can utilize in a clinical setting for dental hygiene. However, there seemed to be only activities for other medical health professionals that were inappropriate for my area of expertise. If you have other ideas for dental hygiene clinic instructions or any didactic applications, I would be very interested in that particular area.
I like all of these ideas. These situations have come up in clinical practice already, so it's nice to have some suggestions for how to handle them. For instance, the "Staff Surprises" is an almost daily discussion for us. The suggestion given here is how we handle it, and to have that corroborated is helpful.
I also love the "Dots on the watch" strategy for tracking clinical tasks.
I am going to implement the event cards with my clinical group. I think getting them to think quickly on their feet as they are in their last term and preparing to be new nurses. I also like the dot idea and hand gestures to signal to each other discreetly.
I learned that most learners are around patients and families there may be a need to correct or counsel them as they are working with these individuals.
I like the idea of increasing interaction.
Using gestures with your students is very important so you are not traumatizing the patient. The patient must be the first priority and not feel like they are being used for experimentation.
I like the idea of using dots to track the patients
I really like the dots, I am going to try that one!!!
I really like all the ideas for clinicals such as the bingo card and the dots to assess their progress.
I like how this module gave examples of ways to reinforce or assess learning through the critical thinking cards, dots on watches, bingo cards for shy learners. I plan to use these when I begin clinicals. I think it is a great way for me, as a new instructor, to incorporate these methods throughout the day as I begin to learn the process of teaching a student through the clinical experience. They will help in a time when it is slow or I am unaware of how to assess a student's capabilites.
I will be utilizing the dots during clinicals, it will help the students and instructors meeting their goals.
Patient Bingo and Event Cards are wonderful tools as a teaching method in a clinical setting.
Comment on Kathleen Watts's post: I too like the practice of nonverbal communication, it is so important not to worry the patient or increase the stress a student feels. I also like the event cards and other activities mentioned. Very helpful!
This section had quite a few ideas. I especially liked the Event cards. This is a good tool that will keep the students on their toes.
Love the idea of using dots and hand gestures to help students stay on track!
I love some of these ideas like i nclinical the 3 dots perfect!!