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As a facilitator of education, it is imperative to be creative and use different teaching methods in order to have positive learning outcomes. 

Instructors should use creative techniques in clinical setting 

There were some very good ideas about active learning to instruct students on observation skills. Many professions need excellent observational skills such as police, fire, and health care. Sight, sound, smell, heat, etc. can mean the difference in life or death for an individual and these may be the only clues to the dangers. 


Try different techniques


I have learned that you should use various activities to teach the topics that you are not getting the results you expec when teaching them. It can often be frustrating trying to teach a boring subject matter. Students aren't really listening or may be sidetracked on something else. Trying different didactics can break the monotony. I love the idea of a thinking puzzle as well as the wheel of supplies. These tactics can be used to help students learn and succeed.

Creative Teaching Tools

- Enjoyed reading and understanding ways to teach, "Hard to teach subjects." It was interesting to read on, "brush with fame", "out of the ordinary", "wheel of supplies,etc." I am a very creative person and being a bedside nurse for over 30 years I have my own very creative ways to make clinical learning enjoyable. Instead of hang-man or puzzles, I like to give real life scenarios and ask ,"what would you do?" most of the students are surprised that these scenarios occurred  in a hospital setting. They are amazed at the response and are learning what critical thinking really means. 

I learn different ways to teach content that are difficult to comprehend when taught using the traditional methods.


I will incorporate the "ten things about my partner" into my assessment lab


It is important to encourage students to use all of their senses when teaching assessment skills.  


It is great to teach students to use multiple senses when attending and assessing patients.


I found this content interesting - having learned new ways to help my students develop critical thinking skills.


This content is so useful.  I really loved how the "Brush with Fame" activity can help introduce and reinforce HIPAA.  It makes it personal to the students.  The other activities were also helpful...especially the noticing one.  They likely will think they have to repeat the vacation details and not the visual details, so it will be surprising to them.  Truly enjoyed this one.

I learned some fun and engaging ways to teach difficult content. I will definitely use some of them in my next class. I especially liked partner listening game and the scenerio game where the students chose"always, it depends, never in a million years"


different teaching styles and activities will help keep the classroom involved and interesting 


Promoting critical thinking skills.


I learned how to incorporate different activites in clinical. The activites Who is the weakest think activity, Wheel of supplies and What's wrong with this picture. This will help the instrutor to identify the students stengths and weakness and engage the students. 




Can you give more details on these actvities?  

using out of the box ideas for teaching can help students to remember specific things better. 


This lesson taught me to go outside my comfort zone, I have been for the most part a strict lecturer, and have been thinking of trying other methods, like flipping the class. This lesson has good ideas to implement in class for such a type of delivery.

This module has provided good examples of learning activities and new teaching ideas. I will implement some of these in my next class session to measure results of student content and objectives obtained.

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