Bethany Sanford

Bethany Sanford

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I like the idea of using dots to track the patients
I learned some different activities to use in the classroom

I didn't realize there was a law about SPAM email.  The CAN-SPAM Act, a law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to stop unwanted emails, and spells out tough penalties for violations.  Despite its name, the CAN-SPAM Act doesn't apply just to bulk email. It covers all "commercial messages,"

Performance-based assessments are highly effective in that they let the students demonstrate what they know about how to handle a specific problem or situation. This form of assessment allows students the opportunity to actually perform and demonstrate different skill sets in the classroom. Performance-based assessments may include written responses, case studies, demonstrations, projects, portfolios, and presentations.

Objectives need to be clear, concise, and easily understood by students. Writing instructional objectives is part of the process of dividing the course into logical units, organized from the more general goals to the more specific objectives.

I like the sample lesson plan and giving the student a rationale behind what you are teaching that day.  I like relating it to everyday ways they will use it in their field.  And keeping them for future times you teach the class making notes as to what went well and what didn't for they next time you teach it is a great way to improve.

I like the idea of a pretest to assess what the students know already about the subject you are going to teach.  This way you can keep your students engaged.

This course helped me learn about different ways to motivate others.  I really liked the autonomy, mastery, purpose information and will try to use that in my classroom.

I learned about the different kinds of lecturing and I am forming ideas on how to use all of those in the classroom.

I learned about the different kinds of lecturing and I am forming ideas on how to use all of those in the classroom.

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