Introduction to Disabilities | Origin: ED201
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Students with Disabilities in the Classroom --> Introduction to Disabilities
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
Many people with disabilities are as smart or smarter than average but because of their issues it's hard for them to shine at times. I particularly liked the comment that people with ADHD cannot control their disability with willpower alone just as a blind person cannot see by simply trying harder. I will always look out for my students with disabilities. They deserve a little compassion and more of my time.
As a new teacher it has taken some getting used to all the different learning styles out there and what each student with a learning disability needs. I have also seen that by speaking with each student and getting to know them i have a better understanding of what they need.
I have learned how to deal with ADD and ADHD students better.
Physical and mental disabilities can defer learning
There was a log of rich information in this presentation. What stood out immediately was that students/indiv iduals with learning disabilities tend to have a high intellect. I have a degree in Psychiatry and this is not stressed as much as it should be in clinicians and educators.
One thing I guess that I never paid attention to is the fact that even though they have a learning disability, it doesn't mean that they are not intelligent; they just process things differently.
From this course, I learned that medications are not a cure for ADHD or other disorders, it just helps manage them. I would try to incorporate new avenues that would help guide students with these disabilities.
For this class, I learned that being an instructor I should be aware of all the different disabilities that students may have to ensure a successful learning environment
Just be patient with kids with disabilities
I learned that it is very difficult to classify Attention Deficit Disorders. And that some people classify it as a physical disability.
Students with disabilities can be impacted by their disability differently depending on what their disability is. Students with disabilities are generally average to above-average learners. Their unevenness in a specific area may alert parents or service providers that the student may require support or accommodations to support their learning.
Students with disabilities are often misunderstood, unproperly medicated, and simply have an issue expressing themselves and processing information. These students are often very intelligent.
The performance may not match existing potential. Students with learning disabilities generally have average or above average intelligence.
I would ensure that the students accomodations are met to the letter.
There are a wide variety of physical and emotional disabilities that instructors must be aware of.
There are many different variations of disabilities and I should be prepared to deal with them all.
I have discovered from this course so far that people with disabilities are just as smart as everyone else it just sometimes takes a little longer to process information according to what else is going on with them phyiscally or mentally
I learned a little more about the ADD and ADHD. The information in the session allowed my mind to go to times I have been around a individual with ADHD and ADD and I can see the bigger problem. I am thankful I am to tell the difference now that I have read this.
As a disabled instructor, it is important to me that anyone with a disability is considered the equal of all able bodied persons.