Both hard and soft skills are necessary in all professional settings.
I think that having a soft skill is very important. Me myself, it is just natural for me becuase no matter what, I try to remain with a smile on my face and remain positive, especially around others. It is alway important to be a good listener, especially when it comes to the education department and caring for your students.
I have learned that soft skills are very important.
Incorporqting soft skills in teaching plans can enhance the learning experience.
Soft skills are Important
Soft skills and common sense go a long way to a better class room out come.
Soft skills help you in the class room and in life.
One of the most important things to remember is that everthing we do is in some way a people business, so we much remember to treat every as someone.
Having good people skills is a necessary thing when working in a workplace environment. You need to have a good attitude, be attentive, and have empathy. Above all, be sure to utilize common sense.
How important it is to hold myself to the same standards I hold my students.
Never took a course on soft skills before. I think that everyone should take the course before teaching.
by far soft skills are needed in most of the time while hards skills may or may not be required for every task.
Soft skills are more important than I thought!
It is very helpful to understand soft skills vs. hard skills.
I have learned that soft skills are much more crucial than hard skills.
Soft skills are more effective and pave the way to instill hard skills into students
Soft skills are important skills to have and use in our lives, not just at work, and being able to have common sense and make the right decisions at all times is essential to have a productive life.
Soft skills are the keys to being a good team member and example for students.