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Enhanced security in relation to motivation can be essential to outcomes. I will work on providing and using more supportive responses and asking non threatening questions.

I can enhance autonomy during assignments by offering the power of choice
1. allow them to choose from a list of activities
2. allow the to arrange order of assignments

I've learned how the adult learner needs autonomy to validate their learning

Pretests are great learning experiences

Adult learners need to feel secure and autonomous. Providing an environment to promote those things will lead to motivated learners.

In the Module I learned that security and autonomy is important to motivate adult students. I plan to use positive reinforcement and constructive criticism to build their knowledge and confidence. 

I learned there are certain behaviors that indicate adult students are motivated. I learned adult learners need security and self-perception. I learned they also need some sort of autonomy as well. 

Offer more opportunities for questions to be asked during my presentations. 

It's important to allow students to feel secure in their learning experience so that they remain motivated.  

support support support 



In regards to security and autonomy, always provide positive feedback even if the student is provides wrong answers, shutting the student down brings down their security. Autonomy can be used by giving options when doing assignments, allowing to choose the type of assignments whenever possible. 

ive learned that engagement and understandingthe studentneeds are key

Adult students need positive. reinforcement and feel safe in a classroom environment

Motivation is detected through Student behaviors active learning increases motivation. When students gain security or confidence in learning and given autonomy control in learning increase motivation. Adjustments need to be made in lesson plans if signs of motivation decrease in students. Objectives still need to be achieved through the instruction and balance with student motivation can be challenging.

Students who feel security will be more successful.  Support students' senses of security and receive better learning outcomes for students.

Each student is different in how they process and remember information.

Love the ideas around how to create security and autonomy - giving choice about pace, assessment format and sequence.

motivate, support and explain

Students need autonomy to be successful.

I thought it was very interesting that the students two main issues is security and Autonomy. I've learned that positive reinforcement and freedom to make mistakes so they can learn as a group, helps with their retention of the information.

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