Dr. B Gould

Dr. B Gould

About me

8/15/2024 Assigned per Dr. Bell, Director of BSN Program

ED 137

ED 206

ED 207



bsn orientation-function: nurse educator


community health nsg./behavioral health/leadership/multiculturalism


Comment on Michael Taylor's post: The Ted's are great. My 2-3 hour courses per 2-3 times a week makes it difficult in an accelerated program. I do ask at the close of the say what were the key points today. Those I use on my exams.

Comment on abegaille midoro's post: Once the student is aware of your expertiese and comfort with the course material they can feel a relief that what they  can say to themselves "learning is on me!" Get to study and learn this material.

Comment on Justin Markle's post: The first day is its own entity. it places the foundation of what to expect. the remainder will smoothly flow if you set it up.

Over the many years I have taught nursing education, it was my passion for nursing and engaging methods with power points, videos. play posit, and other innovative  methods to motivate and increase knowledge base.

I wrote during this training when offered the opportunity. This is an additional requirement.

Dr Gould

ECPI University-BSN Program


Comment on Alberto Vasquez's post: Retention of the educational material is critical for the longevity of the career they are embarking and be able to utilize the terms. concepts in readiness in performance.

In the retention of the student is very important and use the tools suggested.

Comment on Amy Horak's post: target student needing support will appreciate a support.

Comment on Francisco Gonzalez's post: I agree in  internships because its an excellent way to gain skills, increase their knowledge-base, and give to possible position 

Utilizing the flipped classroom is endless. I have used this method of teaching for many years in nursing. Students really deepen the knowledge-base through this method.

Comment on Laura Hogins's post: I strongly agree, Laura, because the risks are too great for ourselves and our students. Safety first.

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