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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Working In the Funnel Frame

How might the funnel frame help you and a student to fully understand any situation? How might these techniques help you with other audiences or your co-workers?

Best Practices for Taking Notes

When asking questions, what are your best practices for taking notes?

Leading or Biased Questioning

Describe a situation in which you used a leading or biased question that resulted in a negative interaction. What could you have done differently to improve the outcome?

Beneficial Questioning Techniques

Which of the questioning techniques presented in this module do you think will be of most benefit to you?

Favorite Questioning Techniques

Please share a favorite questioning technique that you use in your work with students.

Effective Questioning

What questions do you currently use when talking with students? How do you know they are effective?

Going Below The Line

Have you found yourself “going below the line” when asking questions of others? Describe what happened.

Attributes of a Powerful Question

Which of the attributes of a powerful question will you add to your questions? How will this help you in your work with students and peers?


Coaching to me is the guidance process to helping your staff be successful at their jobs or in their career goals. Mentoring and helping them become stable and maintain motivation.

Overdoing it can "over do it!

This was a very helpful review to remind us of the importance of concise, uncomplicated grammer and writing. We often are underthe impression that to state our point intelligently, we must bog it down with big words, additional phrases and emotion; When in fact this can be a distraction and keep persons from understanding the whole point of the sentence anyway. So while I agree with this, does this then tell our students that they should not expand their vocabulary and use it? Does the utilization of compound words always distract? Should it not be on a case by case… >>>

Coaching someone where it might not help..

We have this new employee who has been with us for almost three months. She is having a hard time remembering how to do things. I ask her how things are going and if she understands everything we have taught her and she says yes. The problem is, she doesn't. She is making little mistakes that are causing more work for others. If I ask her if she understands a certain thing she still says yes even if she doesn't. She is very hard to coach and not sure what else I should do.

Humor in a presentation

How do you put humor in a presentation when that is not a part of your personality?


Hello, I was wondering if anyone in a higher education institution has decided to integrate pre-writing into their study guides. If so, please let me know how it went, if it went, and the mistakes. I'd like to see previous attempts and finally figure a pre-writing system that works in graduate classes. Steve

How to discuss a coworker's writing

What is the best way to approach a situation where you feel that a coworker has poor writing? I read something that was sent out by someone recently that was very wordy and with multiple grammar errors. I was not asked to proof it or anything, but I know that it could have benefited from editing. How do you go about this situation without offending someone?

feedback skills

To me, in the process of giving back, one must be open-minded so he/she can receive the information and use it in a positive way.

coaching skills

To me, one of the most important factor of being an effective coach is honesty. One must give honest feedback to the person being coach so the process can be fruitfull.

recieving feedback

What is balanced feedback and how does it apply here?

Tv interviews

What are some good techniques in preparation for interviewing on TV?

non verbal

How much of conversation is non verbal communication?

utilizing graphs

When is it best to utilize graphs in a presentation?